Alexandrovich Shreter

Russia • 1839−1901

Biography and information

see Shreter, Viktor Aleksandrovich

IN N. Novgorod was invited in 1894 the city Council for the design and construction of the theatre building to the discovery of the all-Russian commercial and industrial exhibition in 1896. While still a student at the Academy of fine arts, he studied architecture at the Berlin building Academy and then examines the Roman arenas and theatres of Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, studying their acoustic quality. In Russia Schretter appoint the chief architect of Imperial theatres. It is developing 15 projects of theatre buildings, including Nizhny Novgorod. In 1894 sketches and floor plans of the theatre were approved by the city Council. May 15, 1896 at the theater held its first performance. For Russian trade-industrial and art exhibition 1896 Schretter designs the pavilion of the Department of principalities.