Taddeo Zuccaro or Zuccari (ital. Taddeo Zuccari) (1 September 1529 — 2 September 1566, Rome) — Italian painter, one of the brightest representatives of the Italian school of mannerism.
He was born in 1529 in Sant'angelo in Vado, in the family of an obscure painter Ottaviano Zuccaro. At the age of 14 years he went to Rome to study painting. Since 17 years, starts work as an apprentice at Correggio in Parma.
In 1548, returned to Rome and starts to work independently. He worked mainly in Italy. Best known for his frescoes in the Villa Farnese, near Viterbo.
Died at age 37 in Rome, was buried in the Pantheon, the tomb is near the tomb of Raphael.
(1529, Sant'angelo in Vado - 1566, Rome) - Italian painter.
Taddeo Zuccaro is one of the most significant figures in the artistic life of Rome in the second half of the XVI century It played a decisive role in the development of decorative and monumental
painting, comparable to the role played in the preceding period Perino del Vaga, Polidoro da Caravaggio or Parmigianino. The influence of Zuccaro is beyond the chronological scope of his fairly brief activities, largely due to
his brother, Federigo, who in 1550 will follow him to Rome and will cooperate with him in the castle in Bracciano, in the Sala Regia in the Vatican, and especially in the Church of Santa Maria Dell 0рто.
Creative search of Zuccaro was continued by masters of lesser magnitude (Yes Raffaellino Reggio Cesare Nebbia, Nicholas Trombetta), so that the term <цуккарески> will be subsequently identified most of the graphic works of the late sixteenth century and this will entail some confusion in the attribution of works painted by Zuccaro, or by his followers. The works of Zuccaro mostly frescoes, very well described by Vasari, are concentrated in Rome and its immediate surroundings.
A native of the province of Marche, like his younger contemporary Barocci, Zuccaro arrived in Rome in 1543-1544 and stays there forever, except for a trip to Urbino and Verona in 1551-1552, together with the Duke of Guidobaldo II, trips to Urbino in 1560, on the occasion of the wedding of Vittoria della Rovere, daughter of the Duke of Guidobaldo, and perhaps a trip to Florence in 1564-1565. His drawings appeared
Lenno in most major museums of the world are numerous and diverse, sometimes very bold, and represent the basis for the reconstruction of the picturesque ensembles of the master, not survived, but known by old records (especially the early works, created in 1548-1553).
It quickly won the favor of Pope Julius III, who was elected in 1550, Zuccaro starts with paintings of the facades in the genre in which he worked and Polidoro da Caravaggio and Perino del Vaga: he created <обманки> in the Palazzo Mattei, known only from preparatory sketches (<История Камиллы>, 1548).
Soon, by order of the Pope, he takes the decoration of the Villa
Julia (<Триумф Аполлона>, <Триумф Флоры>); this work was led by Vasari and Prospero Fontana (1553-1555). During these years, Zuccaro creates particularly significant works: the paintings in the Cappella Mattei in the Church. Santa Maria della Consolazione (<Сцены из жизни Христа>, <Пророки> and <Сивиллы>, 1553-1556) and in the Frangipani chapel in San Marcello al Corso (<Сцены из жизни апостола Павла>, 1558-1559, not finished yet). Also by order of Pope Julius III, Zuccaro music in the Vatican Belvedere (<Моисей и Аарон перед фараоном>), and in March 1559 participates in a funeral ceremony on the death of Charles V in the Church of San Giacomo degli Spagnuoli. He replaces Francesco Salviati in the work on the paintings of the hall of FASTI, Farnesiani in the Palazzo Farnese in Rome, which was interrupted because of the death of the Duke of Ranuccio in 1565, and is working on one of the main cycles of this period - paintings in the Farnese castle in Caprarola, whose iconographic program,
emerged under the influence of humanist Annibale Caro: murals in the Antechamber del Consiglio, Stanza dei Aurora, Stanza dei Lanifici and Stanza della Solitudine already bear the imprint of a reaction to mannerism.
The last five years of creativity Taddeo Zuccaro was devoted mainly work in the Vatican - in Cortile della Libreria, in the Sala Regia (<Дар Карла Великого>, <Осада Туниса>), and decorations in the churches - in the Cappella Pucci in the Church of Santa trinità dei Monti, begun in 1563 by order of the Archbishop of Corfu (<Сцены из жизни Марии>), and <капелле маджоре> the Church of Santa Maria Dell 0рто).
Brother, Taddeo, zuccaro, Federigo (C. 1540-1541, Sant'angelo in Vado - 1609, Ancona) is an artist and theorist, studied in Rome at Toldeo and worked with him mainly in Caprarola.
Throughout his long career, Federigo tried to follow the style of the brother, using techniques that are easy to imitate. His activity took place in England (1574), Venice (1582) and Spain (1586-1588). After the death of Vasari, Federico headed decorative work in the Florentine Cathedral (1575-
1579). In 1593 he became President of the Academy of drawing in Rome, and in 1607 published his treatise <Идея живописцев, скульпторов и архитекторов> , which sets out the way to avoid the decline of art.
House Federigo, Zuccaro in Rome - Palazzo Zuccaro (now the library
Hertziana) is decorated with frescoes of the painter of everyday scenes.