Hristinek (Kristinek) Carl Ludwig (loggin Zakharovich) — a son who settled in Russia small tenant.
Art education Hristinek received in St. Petersburg. One of his teachers was L. K. Pfandzelt, German painter and art restorer. In 1761 Hristinek led the work to create a preparatory Board for mosaic painting "battle of Poltava" performed in the workshop of M. V. Lomonosov.
Hristinek known primarily as a portraitist. This is the first Russian painter "of the Germans"; he portrayed mostly middle nobility, soldiers, intellectuals and representatives of the German colony of St. Petersburg. Among the models of the artist is no "socialite" or high-level government officials. Portrait of count A. G. Orlov-Chesmensky (1779, TG) is a rare exception.
Evaluation J. Staehelin, Hristinek was "a good city painter and a successful portraitist" (Notes Jakob Staehelin about the fine arts in Russia / Comp., translated from the German lang., come. article V. K. Malinovsky. In 2 t. T. 2. – M., 1990. P. 234.). Sometimes he painted portraits, using the work of other artists. Thus was formed, for example, "Portrait of Catherine II" (1780 SHM) original by A. Roslin. One of the best works of the artist — Portrait of count A. G. Orlov-Chesmensky.
Works Christinek, tend to be modest, the effect is painterly mastery, but filled with strong, accurate and "flawless" brush. The painter does not know the wealth of Valeria — shades of color tone, allowing you to show the items in the medium of light, to reach a particular depth and richness of color. Color it sometimes hard, always strictly within its borders, without the fine nuances, but the manner of his loyalty and creates an individual artist's face.
For in 1785 the Academy of fine arts "Portrait of mother" Hristinek was recognized as "designated" in academics. At the same time he was given the program for the title of academician — the result was "portrait of an associate rector Velten" (RM). Hristinek played competitive portrait in 1786, however, the balloting took place, and the title of academician artist has not received.
After the death of the master came the long years of almost complete oblivion. Meanwhile, up to our days there were about a hundred of his works, which indicates the popularity of the artist among his contemporaries.