Description of the artwork «Sirin and Alkonost.A song of Joy and sorrow»
The artist Buyanov Dmitry took the painting "Sirin and Alkonost" Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov 1896.( Canvas, oil. 133х250)
Sirin and Alkonost – the two inseparable symbol, a pair of opposites. Grief and joy, unhappiness and happiness, black and white... a picture of these mythical Virgo-birds similar like twins, and, at the same time, completely different. Sirin – the black messenger of sorrow, of longing for a lost Paradise. Alkonost – the bright Herald of joy and pleasure. According to Slavic legends, both birds come to the garden on the eve of the Apple Savior. Sirin is mourning the passing of summer, Alkonost gives the fruit a magical, healing properties.
Buyanov creates a surprisingly vivid and colorful images of mythical birds of Paradise. If Sirina black plumage, a gaunt pale face, tearful eyes in black sockets, closed wings, then the Alkonost bright plumage, ruddy face, drop-down wings. Sirin completes the old, Alkonost – starts new. Branches, on which sit the virgin birds grow from the same tree on the same level but on different sides of the trunk. On the left, and the side of the Slavs have always been "bad", but associated with the heart, lies the epitome of sadness and decay. On the right, the good side, the embodiment of hope, joy and enjoyment.
The background for the picture was the morning orange sky. Bright bird, the sun illuminates the dark, on the contrary, hiding from the advancing dawn. Sirin turned to the past, Alkonost all in the future. Both of the bird maiden is one and indivisible - the eternal companions of life of everyone who is able to temper too strong joy, to ease the impossibly high mountain. The great harmony of life.
The main difference between the pattern of the interpretation of Vasnetsov,is a saturated acrylic colors,a wider view of the picture,although on a smaller scale, and another,a significant difference: Alkonost is just like looking at you from the painting(Vasnetsov ,the eyes of the Alkonost is pointing up).