Александрович Бурдин

Russia • born in 1960 • artist, collector
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Painter-monumentalist, member of the artists Union since 1995.
Born June 7, 1960 in the town of Unecha in Bryansk region.
Engaged in the art Studio House of pioneers Fokine's district of Bryansk (lecturer N.. Stasyshyn).
1978 - graduated from secondary art school. BV Johansson at the Academy of arts in Leningrad. 1978-1981 - directed the art Studio of the pioneer Fokine's district of Bryansk. 1985 - graduated from the conducting and choral Department of the Orel branch of the Moscow state Institute of culture. 1992 - graduated from the Moscow higher art-industrial school (former Stroganov) (Studio of monumental painting of Professor A. L. Orlowski). Since 1993 lecturer at Bryansk art College.
Since 2001 she teaches in BGU im. academician I. G. Petrovsky, associate Professor. Works in portrait, landscape, interior. Picture Window as a still-life biography was marked on the VI zone exhibition. The basis of my work is realistic direction, although the artist experiments with the themes of their works, and with the plastic solution in the composition. Pays great attention to the color order of the pattern, which largely determines the artistic search and expression of the author. Works in fine art photography. Part in exhibitions since 1978.
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