
Russia • born in 1959 • artist, collector

Biography and information

I was born in Moscow in 1959, as far as I can remember in my childhood, loved to draw and look at horses. My father, although he worked in the Institute and engaged in science, however well painted, and tried to introduce me to the fine arts. As you know, an important part of initiation of art are trips to the Museum, so we went to the Tretyakov gallery. Actually, I really liked it there, and I went as enchanted until we stopped in front of a painting of A. Ivanov "the appearance of Christ to the people". And then I find out that this painting, the artist wrote 20 years...

Postnikov, Selaata was a shock. I had patience did not differ, and then 20 years to write one painting. The decision was made instantly – I'll never be an artist. Still regularly painted, and naively thought that as well. At school he studied poorly and I didn't want to take in the 9th grade, had to go to College. After graduation he served military service and demobilized, got a job as a designer in the Institute and enrolled in MIREA (Moscow Institute of Radioengineering, electronics and automation) at Vespers the office. Two years have flown, no love for my work, I have not experienced, and more disgust, it was the same with the Institute. But I wanted to learn and to dedicate his life to something more joyous than doing what you don't like. And then I went to Odessa to enroll in sea school for sea captains. What I will take with open arms, no doubt, but I was not allowed even before the exams. Reason is not absolute vision. Back in Moscow and thought about it, I began to despair, realizing that it was a romantic impulse. The turning point in my life was the day I came to the library, took a guide for students in higher education, opened it and my gaze fell to the Surikov Institute. At that moment my fate was being decided, the children's imprint vanished, and I felt like an artist. The decision was made, remained to prepare for exams. It was the summer of 1982.

The Postnikov Sergeev 1983, I entered the Moscow state pedagogical Institute (Moscow state pedagogical Institute) at the art-graphic faculty. Study liked, finally was in his element. After graduating from College in 1988, he began teaching at the school, but he also wrote, mostly watercolor. It was a time of great opportunities for an artist, began a "boom" of Russian art abroad. Works well bought. But some spice in my life, I still lacked, and I am his wife and two young daughters went to live in the village, where he fulfilled a lifelong dream of mine to have my own horse. In the village I lived only one and a half years, inflation has destroyed everything that was acquired by "overwork", and had to return to Moscow. The next decade had to survive, to make money by selling the painting is not a success. In the late 90s I opened a paint Studio for adults and had begun to exhibit. In 2001 he joined the CUAR (Creative Union of artists of Russia). Write and draw in different techniques (watercolor, oil, pastel, pencil, etching). Favorite horses often appear in my paintings, I always wanted to learn how to convey the plastic and grace of these amazing animals. To depict movement on the canvas to get the feel of speed - that's the problem, I tried to resolve. But horses are not my only hobby, now I am interested to write the picture of contemplation and reflection, in which great attention is paid to landscape. The palette in these works is restrained, almost monochrome.

The last 15 years I have actively exhibited his works in Russia and abroad, in group exhibitions and personal. In 2011 he became the organizer of the creative Association of artists "Rolling light", which is composed of the Grand masters of modern painting: Bato dugarzhapov, Yuri Konstantinov, Evgeny Kravtsov, Mikhail Kaban-Petrov and others. the Exhibition, "Moving light" are mostly in the halls of the Central house of artists.