Feofanovich Morozov (Fedorovich) (08.04.1894 - 1990)


Biography and information

Morozov Konstantin Feofanovich (F.) (08.04.1894–1990)

Honored worker of culture of the RSFSR. Laureate of Lenin Komsomol prize.

Painter, graphic artist and teacher. Master of lyrical landscape.

Born in Sergiev Posad.

In the 1910s he worked in the Museum of Sergiev Posad.

1918 - the Civil war.

In 1921 sent in VHUTEMAS. In 1920s-1930s he lived in Moscow. He studied at the Moscow VKhUTEMAS (1921-1926) at A. E. Arkhipov.

On IV course in the painting Department (and will be graduating in the Studio of A. E. Arkhipov in 1926) became the society of "United arts" ( "OBIS" 1925).

In 1926-28 was the organizer and Chairman of the group "Art - workers" (engineers).

In 1929-30 the years - teaching courses in "Shop painters"; accepted "Shop".

In 1931 - one of the initiators of the Society of artists (ORI).

Member and Exhibitor companies "United arts" (OBIS, 1925), society of artists to them. Ilya Repin (1928), "Workshop of painters" (1930); founding member and Chairman of the group "Art – workers" (ISTR, 1925, 1927, 1928), one of the founding members of the Association of art workers (ORI, 1931-1932). Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. The participant of regional, regional and Moscow exhibitions.

Since 1931, for a long time, more than 30 years, he taught at the Moscow Academy "Memory of 1905", the rector of this school from 1935 to 1938, Professor. He also taught at VGIK, along with Y. I. Pimenov.

Was friends with K. F. Yuon, and with him taught in the 1950-ies at the Highest scenic courses in the Mosh. K. F. Morozov had the title of associate Professor, Professor of painting, honored worker of culture of RSFSR.

His works are in the Art Fund of the Russian Federation, in the regional museums, art galleries and private collections in Russia.