Danilovich Voronkin

Russia • Kazan • 1916−XX century

Biography and information

The Voronkin Pavel Danilovich was born 11.07.1916 G.
China (China, Shanghai) - Tatarstan (Kazan) - Uzbekistan (Tashkent).
Graphic artist, painter. Education in painting received in Hong Kong.
GL. artist "Torrecampo", the puppet theatre. GL. artist "Uzbekistan".
Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
After moving to the USSR, in 1949 he was arrested in 1950 and sentenced to 25 years.
Pardoned in 1955, Rehabilitated in 1997 ( the memory Book of the Republic
Of Tatarstan). Very interesting in his book - "Reversal of destiny" book two, "the Artist of God", describes the life of P. D. Voronkina his buddy
Stefan Pavel Petrovich. They met in the camp. About Voronkin often said
and my father.
Died Pavel Danilovich in Tashkent, in the late ' 80s.