Portana Zoe, was born on 19 February 1968 in Moscow.
Member of the Union of artists of the International art Fund.
Painting started from an early age, the courses of fine arts. Skills perfected in private art studios and in numerous master classes.
Studied with wonderful teachers:
* Krasnushkin Evgeny Vladimirovich;
* Corned Yuri Nikolayevich, head of the Studio Amides;
* Sukhovetsky, Alexei Nikolaevich, Professor mgahi Surikov.
Currently a freelance artist. Write in a realistic manner. Favorite art movement – still life, landscape, portrait.
Participated in the following exhibitions:
28.07.14-10.08.14 Israel,EinHod, Tina's Gallery.
10.05-10.06,2016 Vinogradov Gallery, Berlin.
23.05-13.06.2016 international hood Fund.Exhibition *Cosmism and
spiritual sources of life in the works somehow
11.07-7.08.2016 It. hood. Fund. Exhibition seasons.
22.08-2.09.2016 International Association Fondaumiere. In the hand
my your palm.
2.09.-15.09.2016 Central House Of Journalists. Exhibition of works
Studio Amides.
25 .09.2016 international project "peace on Earth"
Exhibition About Russia and Moscow.
15.09.-30.09.2016 Vinogradov Galltry. Berlin.Exhibition
Currently, several paintings
are in Europe in various galleries and private collections.