Shaposhnikov Vladimir Nikolaevich
He was born in 1949 - 2017 in Kharkov.
He graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Civil Engineering in 1976. By specialty architecture.
Have worked:
1973-1983 Institute "Ukrgorstroyproekt", architect.
Since 1983 - an independent artist.
Main buildings:
1983 --- 1992 Residential building complex on the central square of Krivoy Rog, together with V. Zaidenberg.
1972 --- 1982 Restaurant of the Kiev Hotel, Krivoi Rog, together with V. Zaidenberg.
2019 - AU, gallery of modern art, a joint exhibition with Kharkov authors. "ANIMALS"
2019 - AU, contemporary art gallery together with A. Yesyunin “Bot. Garden"
2018 - Kharkov Art Museum. "Noosphere"
2017 - AU, Apocalypse Modern Art Gallery
2014 - Kharkov Art Museum. "Looking for a man ..."
2004- “Another sky”. Project. Together with E. Pavlov. Kharkiv City Art Gallery. Harkov city
2002 - Israeli Cultural Center, together with A.Esyunin. Harkov city
2002 - All-Ukrainian festival “Cultural Heroes” together with E. Pavlov and E. Svetlichny KhDADM, Kharkov
2001 - In memory of Daniel Kharms. Personalized Gallery "PALETTE", Kharkov
2001 - Gallery "PALETTE". Project "Golgotha", Kharkov
2001 - House of Artists. Together with V. Igumentsev and E. Svetlichny, Kharkiv
2001 - International festival "Trashotography - 2001", together with E. Pavlov. France, Lille.
1999 - Cite Des Art internacionale. Carte Blanch a Boris Michailov. Together with E. Pavlov, Paris, France
1999 - IV International Art Galleries Festival, Kiev
1999 - Triennale "Sculpture- 99" Kiev
1999 - International Postmodern Art Festival: “The Apocalypse Will Start From Here”, Kharkiv
1999 - Soviart Center for Contemporary Art, Kiev
1999 - Gallery "PALETTE". The project "Assist", together with E. Svetlichny. Harkov city
1998 - Kharkov City Art Gallery, gallery "PALETTE". Art Act. "3-7-11", Kharkiv
1998 - Gallery "Exar", the project "Parnography", together with E. Pavlov. Kiev
1998 - Kharkov Art Museum. The project "The General Field of Art-II" in conjunction with E. Pavlov. Kharkov.
1997 - I-st International Graphics Quadrant Moscow
1997 - House of Artists. Project "1 + 1 = 1", together with E. Svetlichny Kharkiv
1997 - Atelier "Crucian". The project "Common Field of Art", together with E. Pavlov, Kiev
1996 - Artist's House "The Common Field of Art", together with E. Pavlov, Kharkov
1995 - Kharkov Art Museum. Personal, Kharkiv
1989 - Palace of Culture KhEMZ. The project “Big Kharkov Polyptych”. Harkov city
1988 - House of the writer. Personal, Kharkiv
1982 - House-Museum of F. Dostoevsky. Personal, Leningrad
1978 - House of the architect. Painting, Kharkov
1975 - Institute "Ukrgorstroyproekt". Personalized Harkov city
1974 - House of the architect. Painting, graphics, Kharkov
1971 - Kharkov Institute of Engineering and Construction. Personalized Harkov city.
Works are:
1. The Ministry of Culture of the Ukrainian SSR
2. Kharkiv Art Museum
3. Zimmerly Museum, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
4. Private collections: Ukraine, Russia, USA, France, Poland, Germany.
2001-2002 “Traditions and Innovations in Architectural and Artistic Architectures”, KhDADM No. 2-3, Kharkov
2002 Vaterpas Magazine №2 (39), Kharkov
2002 "City Gazette" №11, Kharkov
2001 “Imago” magazine No. 12, Bratislava
2000 Mystery of Ukraine XX century. Association Artgalery of Ukraine, Kiev
1999 Almanac of the most important vysualnyh mystics and cultures "Kіnets Kіntsom", Iva-no-Frankivsk
1999 Collection "Apocalypse", Kharkov
1998 "Art shlyah Kharkivshchyna 1938-1998", Kharkov
1997 Ukrainian Post Journal No. 10-12, Kharkiv
1997 The Den newspaper. September 4, Kiev
1997 The newspaper "Grani" July 25-31, Kharkiv
1997 Style and Home Magazine March, Kiev
1996-1997 Magazine “Imago” №3, Bratislava. Slovakia
- Encyclopedia of Ukraine. University of Toronto Press incorporated. Toronto, Buf-falo, London.
1989 Art Magazine No. 11, Moscow
1988 Flesh art magazine, New York, USA
1988 The newspaper "Leninskaya zmіna" July 30, Kharkiv