Gennadievich Ivanov

born in 1962

Biography and information

Was born on 3 June 1962 in the city of Kharkov. In the Kharkiv Art College was admitted at the age of 23 , already having a family. Completing one course, entered the Kharkov Pedagogical Institute. G. S. Skovoroda on the art-graphic faculty. Graduated from it in 1992. Participant of many regional, Republican and international exhibitions. Listed in the electronic registry of artists of Ukraine. The diplomas and diplomas.
A member of the creative Union of artists
The diplomas and diplomas. The artist's paintings are in private collections in Kharkov, Moscow, Berlin, Italy. Currently engaged in painting, interior design.
The work of this local artist can be described as socialist realism.
In his works , made with acrylic and oil, we can see the most ordinary moments of life. with elements of irony, humor, comic,m philosophical notes, beauty and sadness.