About me
Frantsuzov Yury Sergeevich * 1946 was born in Novosibirsk. 1961-66 visiting art school in Alma-Ata / Kasachstan; 1966-73 worked as an artist, creating monumental frescoes 1973-79 studied at the Repin Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, 1979-92 teacher V. Mukhina Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, 1992 moved to Germany - Berlin, since 1994 a member of the Professional Association of Artists BBK Berlin, in Berlin, teacher of drawing since 1998 in art schools. Membership: 1985 Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, since 1994 is a member of the Professional Association of Artists BBK Berlin. Awards: 1975. Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg, 2 Place. Popular works: 1992 monumental works for Japan and Korea. Study tours: Italy, France, Netherlands. Exhibitions: 1973 "The Best Picture" St. Petersburg, 1980 Personal exhibition of the professional association Visual Artists St. Petersburg, 1988 group exhibition in Kunsthalle "Manege", St. Petersburg, 1991 Gallery "Arcola" Paris,