Nikolayevich Adolsky


Biography and information

IVAN ADOLSKY - Russian painter, portraitist and engraver. Worked in the Armory in Moscow.
In 1710 removed to Petersburg, where he worked in the Armory office and the St. Petersburg printing. Taught painting and engraving of the Moscow icon painters and the artists of the scenic team of the Office of the buildings. In mid-1720 - worked in the Imperial palaces of St. Petersburg.
In 1728 he returned to Moscow.
In 1735 - 1736 - the warden of the Armory.

The author of a portrait of Catherine I with a black boy 1725-26,the State Russian Museum.
Portraits Of Peter 1.
Including — the famous "Azov" has not been preserved.

Artistic style Aralskogo feature free drawing, chiaroscuro modeling volume (lightening of certain parts of the form and building the amount of contrast between the illuminated and shaded areas), Cabinet painting, striving to convey the tactile quality of surfaces.