Alexander Ermolaev was born in the town of Novaya Ladoga Volkhov district Leningrad region in 1951. Drawing and painting began to learn during their school years, the landscape painter Boris Godunov. In 1974 he graduated from the Herzen state pedagogical University them. Herzen in specialty "Artist-teacher". Teachers A. N. Her schedule M. A. Kanaev and people's artist of Russia L. V., the Innkeeper.
Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1991. In 1998 A. N. Yermolaev was awarded the title "Honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation".
Alexander - the constant participant of city, regional, Republican, international exhibitions. In 1998 he won the regional Governor's award for the best painting of the year. Participant of the festival "Russian art" in France, Cannes. 2010.
The Works Of A. N. Ermolaeva located in the Ivanovo art Museum, Ivanovo state istoriko-Museum of local lore them. D. G. Burylin, Museum of Art of Sarov; the landscape Museum, ples; the Galleries of the city of Rzhev, and city; St. Petersburg gallery "Century", Moscow gallery "Zolotoy Plyos", as well as in private collections in Russia, Austria, England, Switzerland, Italy, France, Australia, USA.
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