Sculptor, painter, graphic artist. Member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia. Status 4B in the Unified Artistic Rating: an accomplished professional artist demanded by the art market.
Born on March 17, 1940 in Issil-Kul, Omsk Region. He graduated from the Moscow State School of Industrial Art. Stroganov. He lives and works in Moscow.
Victor Zakharov began as an applied artist and painter. Due to tragic personal circumstances, briefly outlined in the essay by Natalya Troyantseva, “The Philosophy of Life of Viktor Zakharov - Sculptor, Painter, Graphic Artist, Poet” (See Links to publications), Viktor Zakharov chose the status of a factory artist from all possible ways of creative freedom. Fulfilling countless orders in the field of propaganda and agitation, he managed to not change his creative credo. The management of the enterprise willingly presented the works of the artist, taking advantage of any occasion. And for him, the ability to cast ideas of his own creations “into the ground” by himself meant a lot. In particular, he managed to create a unique cycle in a high relief technique, where he combined an image and his own poetic text, casting them into metal. He worked a lot in the field of wooden sculpture, creating both genre scenes and interior objects - the original form of armchairs, tables, bookcases. A wonderful collection of foam plastic was stolen right from the workshop - and disappeared without a trace.
Not being a member of the Union at that time, since 1975, he participated on his own initiative in more than 40 professional exhibitions, including foreign ones, of which 8 were All-Union exhibitions (participation confirmed by catalogs).
Since Viktor Zakharov was neither official nor unformal, his high level of professional merit was marked by numerous marks of distinction between the executive authorities, including the Moscow Soviet of Workers' Deputies, and publications in the Moskovskaya Pravda and Evening Moscow newspapers. In 1980 he was awarded an honorary diploma for participation in the preparation of the XX11 Olympic Games in Moscow. In 1986 he received the silver medal of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements at the exhibition “Glorified by Labor of Man.”
A number of works acquired by the State Historical Museum, the Central Museum. Lenin, the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, the Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics, the Museum of Cosmonautics. Several works are kept in the Star City Museum and in the Queen Museum GONTI. Embossed portraits of S.P. Korolyov donated to his family.
The artist worked a lot, performing private orders. The Pavilion of the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy in Saratov in the mid-seventies was almost completely decorated by him. The hammered chandelier of his work was acquired by Andrey Goncharov, chief director of the Mayakovsky Theater.
After perestroika, the artist for several years headed the art workshops of the Istoki company VOOPIK. In 1993 he compiled and depicted the emblem of the “Union of Bourgeois”, introduced into the state matrix. He worked a lot in the field of interior sculpture. The compositions created by Viktor Zakharov in the interior of the Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy are his unique decoration. In a number of villas near Moscow, the artist not only decided the idea of the interior, but also participated in the design of the buildings themselves.
In the museum and public center “Peace. Progress. Human Rights ”named after Andrei Sakharov constantly exhibits three works dedicated to victims of repression. Triptych "Honor I have" is stored in the Mytishchi art gallery mrk-gallery.
A large number of works settled in private collections.
Creative disinterestedness and loyalty to their own gift were given the opportunity not only to retain talent, but also to develop it in every possible way in new life circumstances.
Since 2004, the artist resumed painting. He experiments in different techniques, a series of works are distinguished by a unique stylistics, which includes the comprehension and interpretation of all directions of modern artistic thought and based on the experience of owning various materials.
At the end of 2004, he held 2 solo exhibitions: at the FEST Theater and at the Rodina Youth Center called “Second Wind”:
Designed a number of poetic books. In 2006, the publishing house "Time" published a book by Natalia Troyantseva "The word about the strict passion", in which the artist acted as an illustrator, co-author:
The artist actively participated in several group exhibitions and presented the exposition “The Space of Happiness in the Time of Love”, where Natalia Troyantseva acted as a co-author, poet and art researcher. The result was the layout of the book VIKTOR ZAKHAROV. CREATIVITY, the publication of which is still to be.
Viktor Zakharov developed an original line in graphics, creating a series of works entitled “The Enthusiasm of Stress” dedicated to great musicians of various genres, performers and dancers.
In the summer of 2012 in the Mytishchi Art Gallery was held the exhibition VIKTOR ZAKHAROV. APOLOGY OF TIME, where the artist's skill was presented most fully. Natalya Troyantseva acted as a co-author and curator.
In 2014, the publishing house Vremya published a book by Natalia Trojanzev and Viktor Zakharov “The Island of Garbage Christ”.
In 2016 in the electronic version of the book was published: Viktor Zakharov. Natalya Troyantseva "This wonderful Adria is enduring joy ..."
As a result of creative interaction, Viktor Zakharov and Natalya Troyantseva developed the idea of a new direction in modern art, which was called SIMULTANE ANALYTICAL CONCEPTUALISM.
At present, the artist is developing the concept of illustrations for the book by Natalya Trojantseva, The Fragile Mirror of Cronos.
Links to publications
Publication of the essay "The Philosophy of Life of Viktor Zakharov - a sculptor, painter, graphic artist, poet":
Publication of the essay "Square Sun":
Zakharov - about his works: