Albert Tsovyan

Biography and information

Albert Tsovyan

Was born in Yrevan in 1930. In 1950 he finished Art School with Terlemesyan
distinction and entered the Art and Theater Institute (now the Academy if Fine
Arts) from which he graduated in 1956. For 40 years since then he has taught
at Kodjoyan School of Art, has made graphic illustrations for books and has
exhibited his paintings at the exhibitions of the Artists' Union.

He has been working in different genres, painting still lifes, flower pieces,
landscapes, historical and rural life scenes. Particularly good are his
landscapes expressing his love of the countryside. Both his scenes of everyday
life and his landscapes are marked with spontaneity and lack of sentimentality,
glossiness and pathos. His paintings are closer to lyricism rater than heroics,
which was so valued in the times of strong ideological pressure. Contemplative
tranquility, so intrinsic to the artist, was precluded in those times.

Tsovyan possesses the ability of penetrating into reality in order to disclose
his own vision of it in compositions very often out of the ordinary. His
uniqueness is manifest in all his works.

Abridged and translated
from Armen Satyan''s book
"Creativity, communication,
Fates ", Yerevan, 2002.