Crimean painter. Landscape painter, master of still life.
Born in 1924 in Feodosia. In 1936-1942. and in 1947-1949 he studied at the art Studio at the art gallery to them. Ivan Aivazovsky the artist N. Barsukova, K. Bogaevsky, P. Snitkina. Classmates in the Studio – P. Stolyarenko, S. Mamchich, V. Sokolov, A. lane. In 1941 - took part in the evacuation of Aivazovsky's paintings from the Feodosia picture gallery. In 1953 graduated from the Crimean art College im. N. With.Samokish, the picturesque pedagogical Department. Studied with V. V. Apanovich and Bernadsky. A great influence on the development of his abilities has rendered the work of such artists as M. Vrubel, I. Mashkov, P. Konchalovsky, A. Kuprin, N. Barmasov, Cézanne, Dorin, Matisse. In 1953-1983 he was taught in Feodosia children's art school im. I. K. Aivazovsky. The participant of Republican, regional, city exhibitions. Since 1989 - member of Union of artists. Lived and worked in Feodosia. Works are in Museum and private collections in Ukraine, CIS and far abroad. The most complete work of the author represented in the collection of the National gallery of them. I. K. Aivazovsky (45 works). All of the artist's work combines joyful svetogorets and clear decorative top.
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