Description of the artwork «Sebastian Arrows»
"Arrows Sebastian"
In 680, a plague epidemic raged in Italy, and to get rid of it, it was decided to erect the chapel of Saint Sebastian, since it was arrows that were symbols of the disease, as it was believed to be transmitted through the air. Moore retreated and the cult of the holy deliverer spread throughout Europe.
The plague of the XX and XXI centuries, according to the well-established expression, is AIDS, and the arrows in the body of Sebastian transformed into needles from syringes.
In the center of the picture is the silhouette of St. Sebastian with the canonical masterpiece Andrea Mantegna. Around him, like a running line on a board of an airport or train station, the lettering of drugs used or used earlier to fight against AIDS. Sebastian himself recalls the eternal Platonic eidos, frozen in metaphysical space, on the other hand is like the silhouette of the deceased, drawn in white chalk on asphalt.
The martyrdom of Sebastian came because of his faith, convictions, hidden from others. Today hostility, social exclusion and discrimination are among the most important problems in the fight against AIDS. In a state of universal intolerance of a person towards a person, which incites malice even towards dissent, it is Saint Sebastian who exemplifies suffering, struggle, overcoming for some, and intolerance, cruel obsession for those who are not ready to cope with cave prejudices.