Work from the project "Mysterious childhood".

Sergey Goyshik • Painting
About the artwork
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Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Portrait
Technique: Photography

Description of the artwork «Work from the project "Mysterious childhood".»

The portraits of her daughter were taken at different intervals of her childhood, but most of them read something not childish, something more in her eyes ...
This project involves a question that has not yet been answered. The photographic series and the description of the project are used here as a single tool for creating a visual image, which is intended to encourage thinking about the problem, on which each of us thought. Why don't we remember our early childhood? What we should not know?

Childhood is a mysterious period in the life of each of us. Most childhood we usually do not remember, and all the seeming memories, emotions and sensations, according to many psychologists, are basically a figment of our imagination, which draws events into the head, most likely based on the stories of parents and older relatives and acquaintances. In addition, in early childhood, a person has abilities that for some reason go away with age. For example, there is a lot of evidence that small children can see and even communicate with departed relatives ...
Why does our brain not remember the earliest childhood? What do we know "not allowed"?
Sigmund Freud dubbed this phenomenon "infantile amnesia." Scientists have repeatedly tried to explain the disappearance of memories. There were hypotheses about overwriting old data with new ones, since at this age, the “responsible” brain cells, or rather the connections between the cells, are not formed. Or that the links between existing memory cells are destroyed, due to the too rapid growth of new cells ...
In the process of periodically taking pictures of her daughter, she drew attention to the fact that sometimes in the photographic image she turns out to be completely childish and it seems that it reflects the experience of an adult person. Have you ever noticed similar things with your children or children of your acquaintances? Does not our consciousness in early childhood have any kind of connection with the past, which helps in entering this world after birth? Or maybe our memories of helplessness in early childhood are too traumatic for the psyche in the future?
The first sounds mystical, the second is more realistic, but the question remains open to this day, no scientific explanation has been found yet.
It seems that there is some kind of hidden side of being children, information about which, for reasons that are still uncertain, is being erased from our brain ...