"The Awakening (Atanor)

Igor Kislitsyn • Painting, May 2021, 110×90 cm
About the artwork
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Art form: Painting
Materials: Canvas, Oil
Date of creation: May 2021
Size: 110×90 cm
Location: Igor Kislitsyn
Artwork in selections: 2 selections

Description of the artwork «"The Awakening (Atanor)»

a four-part work that symbolically represents the stages of the Artist's creative journey.
According to the author, "Working on this dedication was very important to me. It was a kind of intermediate result of my own work. It is also an homage to the Painting itself.

Part 1." Awakening", canvas, oil, 110x90
(Dedication, initiation, passionate, almost loving fusion with Art, melting in the crucible of unceasing work the very identity of the artist).
Part 2. "Golgotha", canvas, oil, 110x90
(The experience of suffering and overcoming it through Art, where Art is both the Cross on which the artist is crucified and, at the same time, Healing).
3."The Mourner," canvas, oil, 110x90
(The feminine hypostasis, a necessity and imperative without which there is no finality; she is also the Muse of the artist, she is his Anima; she is his eternal Bride, that vocation "to accompany the dead" and "to welcome for the first time the risen", (Mandelstam))
4."Above Change and Flow," canvas, oil, 110x90
(The artist's legacy becomes more and more complete, revealing itself in collaboration with new generations; not dissolving and dispersing, but crystallizing; allowing us to see the Exodus as the Origin, as the eternal beginning of the Miracle of Art.
And although, in the words of Zverev, we "go into the abyss of waves, waters and foam, and so the ship of our life disappears," over these same waters rises "rainbow, from which the Mother Painting is born")