Description of the artwork «Execution Day .»
In this work I remember and pay tribute to all the brilliant thinkers, all the people whose thinking differs from that of others and who were murdered by fools and ignorant people who do not want to think...This is the memory of Socrates, Yeshua, Giordano Bruno, Tommaso Companella and thousands of other thinkers...Let us begin by mentioning the names of those who instigated the proceedings against Socrates: the young Meletus, a mediocre, tragic poet; Anitus, owner of tanneries, who saw in Socrates' activities an attack on religion and morality, a threat to the ideals of state and family life. The third accuser was the orator Lycon.The text of the accusation read: "Socrates is accused of not recognizing the gods that the city recognizes, and of introducing other, new gods. He is also accused of corrupting the youth. The punishment demanded is death." Oil, enamel and pigment painting on plastic strips, 2022.