Hello, and here I am!

David Shikovich Brodsky • Painting, 2014, 71×63 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Portrait
Style of art: Realism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 2014
Size: 71×63 cm

Description of the artwork «Hello, and here I am!»

Knipper comes to Chekhov once
From the threshold says the words:
Do not quench Anton Palych thirst?
- Champagne, Knipper-Chekhov?

Often songs are written on ready-made poems. Music is added to the verses. So I decided to paint the portraits of the texts. First, the text, then to him a portrait.
I call readers to witness - there is no portrait yet.
And so, Slava Potievsky.
Who does not know the glory of Potievsky ?! Everyone who knows him knows the fame of Potievsky. For example, I personally know Slava long ago how: a desperate balagur, an excellent story-teller, a sparkling inventor, a talented artist, an exquisite culinary specialist, a worthy husband and father, and just as a beautiful person.
Based on the latter fact, he tried to make up his portrait many times and ... The portrait flowed out from under the brush, dissolved, and life went on. Unfinished canvases with unfinished Slava folded under the wall to each other, like soldiers who were not admitted for service due to health reasons. Sometimes they were going to the whole company and had to be repainted by returning to the system under another name and rank.
Slava once became the head of NefteGaz and hung in a strict suit on the wall of a huge office. By the way, I have never seen Fame in a suit for all my long friendship. Glory of those to whom this style is contraindicated - and I see the text on the packaging "This costume will kill your personality."
Slava could not allow the killing of her individuality and always wore a bright, original and completely exclusive - the good talented wife Olga herself painted fabrics, she herself invented pieces and made the final product, in which Slava deflated, canary and snowfish.
Constantly amazed at the saturation of events and actions of the Slavic Day. I come once to him in the workshop to sit, talk, cheer up a little after a long start at the palette. Slava sits and looks thoughtfully at a blank canvas.
- Glory, are you going to paint? We agreed to sit slightly! So don't I go to the store?
- Why not go? Go.
I went to the store. After 15 - 20 minutes (there - there - back) come back. Glory wipes brushes. On the canvas is a bright, dynamic still life with flowers! - Glory! When did you do it ?! - Here you go. Here you go. Here, I managed. Sit down and let's start something else.
And we sat down and had a great evening, and Slava was joking, and I laughed to tears, and constantly shed from the glass.
Gathered to leave. Slava took a lap made up before the meeting and so, with not dried paint, we walked along the spring street, went down to the subway, people looked at us, at the picture - some smiled, others smiled, but were not indifferent.
Suspecting Glory in the shocking public, he asked:
“Couldn't you wait for it to dry up, wrap and carry?”
- No, dear, - Glory answered, - today Olka has a birthday. I made up a bunch for her.
Who else can make up a masterpiece in half an hour ?! And carry it along the street, like a regular shopping bag with potatoes. Maybe someone is capable of that, but I don’t know anymore.
At the joint exhibition in France, Slava and Olga sparkled and sparkled! Their work aroused genuine interest among the public. Honestly, along with a great joy for my colleagues, a little snake of envy stirred in me. But! Great joy won. Very pleased with this.
Some visitors came before the opening of the exhibition to buy their work before others! We come with the whole team, and there already are!
Here is this SUCCESS! And in France!
And, of course, Slava used to flaunt, canary and bullfinch in clothes painted and sewn by Olga, and French women were surprised to learn not a guest of honor in him from a certain Parisian salon, and the author of wonderful still lifes from a certain Ukrainian city, which they then knew only from the phrase " Dynamo "Kiev".

Time passed and Kiev was slightly orphaned - Slava, with the whole family and pictures of the whole family, went beyond permanent residence for permanent residence.
Personally, I would like to make a list of people who are prohibited from leaving the limits of one permanent residence for another. And what, pray tell, please, are we to blame here ?! How to live now ?! Who will now joke, entertain, tell jokes and delight the eye with bright paintings? Others? There is no Second Glory of Potievsky, and there never will be!
And sho do? Of course, it would be possible to follow, but ... there are many friends and you will not follow all. If they left for one place.
So after all, by no means! They go, you know, and in different.
Slava sends a lot of photos from his current permanent residence. They again have funny faces of friends, sumptuously decorated tables, openings, views of European capitals and smiling granddaughters.
I look and think: “Can I try to depict a photo?
Here, immediately emerged from memory.
We are going to a bachelor party in the workshop. At the long table there are many interesting and original artists. The first person who comes in again asks: "Has glory already come?" And we are sitting at the table, and the conversation goes on slightly, and no one shouts: “Well, how much, after all, can we wait? We know - Glory will now come and, all at once, having exhaled with relief, will say: "Come in, Glory!"

The text was written a month ago (there are witnesses), and yesterday, washing out the brush, cleaning the palette, exhaling with relief, said to the finished portrait: "Come out, Glory!" And he came out to readers and viewers. I would like to breathe a sigh of relief and greet a remarkably good man, Slava Potievsky!