
Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (eng. and it. Emanuel Leutze; may 24, 1816, schwäbisch gmünd, württemberg — July 18, 1868, Washington, USA) is an American and a German artist.
Emanuel Leutze in 1825, being a nine year old child, arrived in the United States. He studied painting in Philadelphia. In 1850 Leutze returned to Germany, where he studied at the Düsseldorf Academy of arts under Karl Friedrich Lessing. The main theme of the artist in the painting was historical, his work style can be attributed to the düsseldorf school. The most famous painting of E. Leutze — "Washington crossing the Delaware" was written during his stay in Germany; the Delaware river also deducted from the Rhine scenery at the town of Kaiserswerth (now part of düsseldorf).

For a long time E. Leuze headed "Union mutual of düsseldorf artists." In 1848, on his initiative, created the art Association "Malkasten" in 1856 — the "Fellowship of German artists". In 1842 Leutze goes to Munich and then to Venice and Rome. In 1845 he returned to düsseldorf. Even at that time, his paintings depicted mainly the events of history — for example, "Columbus before the High Council of Salamanca". Life is abut others, reflecting the events of the XV—XVIII centuries: "Columbus at the gates of the monastery of La Nagid", "Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth on a walk" (1845), "Torquemada support of king Ferdinand, denying the reception of the Embassy from the Jews" (1846), "Washington at the battle of Monmouth" (1852-1854), etc.

In 1859 E. Leutze returned to the USA where he was commissioned to decorate its historic paintings in rooms and halls of the sessions of the us Congress and Senate at the Capitol in Washington. In 1861 the artist performing this order creates a monumental mural "Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way". The work of E. Leutze glorified in the US for their national, Patriotic orientation.
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