Pierre-Jacques Volaire, called the Chevalier Volaire (Pierre-Jacques Volaire; 1729 – 1799) was a French painter paisagem.
Born in Toulon in the official city family of artists (his grandfather was a painter-decorator in the Arsenal). Studied at Claude Joseph Vernet (Claude Joseph Vernet, 1714-1789), with whom he worked for eight years, from 1754 to 1762.
In 1762, Volaire moved to Rome, where he became a member of the Academy of St. Luke, and received the honorary title of knight. But the competition in the art market compels an artist to move to Naples in 1767. In Naples he lived until his death.
Here, the proximity to Vesuvius inspired the artist to write the types of eruption with different perspectives and in different formats. This is consistent with the tastes of society at the end of the eighteenth century, are willing to buy images of natural disasters and world catastrophes. Valera success spawned a range of imitators, which included Jacob Philipp Hackert, Wütky, Joseph Wright of Derby and Pietro Antoniani, as well as Neapolitan masters gouache Pietro Fabris, Giovanni Battista Lusieri and Saverio Della Gatta.
In his Mature paintings Waller departs from the neoclassical trends of Verne and can claim dramatic intensity of color, before the landscapes of the romantics.