
After graduating from high school in Lviv, he entered the Philology faculty of the Jagiellonian University. At the same time he studied at the Krakow Academy of fine arts. Pupil Of Jan Stanislavsky. To continue his education in 1907 went to Paris, where after a year he debuted on the Big Spring Salon. It was the first in a series of many subsequent exhibitions of paintings and prints by the young artist.

In the years 1907-1910 E. Gulevich studied the art of painting in Paris and Switzerland. In 1910 in connection with the death of his father returned home. In 1913, three months traineeship in Munich.

In 1916 a close friendship bound him with writer Stanislav Przybyszewski, advocate of modernist aestheticism and eroticism. This relationship has seriously affected the worldview of E. Gulevich.

In the same 1916, together with his brothers, Bogdan and Witold founded in poznań publishing Association "Shelter" (Paul. "Ostoja"). In October of 1917 on the initiative and with the financial support of Jerzy Gulevich, the first issue's fortnight "Spring" (Pol. "Zdrój"). In 1917-1922 he was its chief editor and artistic Director. The magazine did not have a clear literary programme, but the nature of the published materials had signs of emerging new currents — expressionism.

The magazine "Spring" was printed on, around which was concentrated the Polish literary group "Rebellion", uniting mainly young writers and poets of expressionism. In 1918 a group of "Riot" staged an exhibition in Poznan, simultaneously published as an Annex to the "Spring" so-called "Book Riot" (Pol. "Zeszyt Buntu"). It was published: Vladislav Skotarek, August Zamoyski, Zenon Kosidowsky etc. Since then, the "Spring" was more consistently adhere to the expressionistic program. In particular, this concerned the texts of Jan Stura and Zeno Kasimovskogo.

In June 1919, after the collapse of the group "Mutiny" in its pages were printed later known Polish writers Kazimierz Oginski, Julian Tuwim, Jaroslav Ivashkevich and others. Due to financial problems in 1922, the magazine was closed.

In 1921 E. Gulevich, together with his brothers, was the initiator of the establishment in Poznan of the Union of Polish writers. In 1926 he moved to Warsaw. In this period of time has collaborated with several Metropolitan journals.

Member of the Wielkopolska uprising (1918-1919). He volunteered for the infantry regiment of the Polish legions.

After 9 years of living in Volhynia, and in 1935 moved and settled in Warsaw.

He founded a private art school, where he was Director and teacher. During the second world war, there were underground organizations "Poland is alive!". Continued to engage in painting, applied art and graphics.

Died during the occupation from a heart attack, after the news about the murder by the Gestapo of his younger brother Witold Gulevich.

(From Wikipedia)

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