Description of the artwork «The Planet Remembering the painter Robert Gonsalves, "Planet" Remembering the painter Robert Gonsalves, "Planet"»
A series of artworks, "Shells: whims, fads, discoveries.
Crimea - Caucasus - Veliky Novgorod - 2023"
The artworks presented here are based on the images on shells and rapans, their fragments, shells and rapans themselves, mottled with drawings made by nature itself. In them I managed to see peculiar subjects, then to continue the theme in my paintings, using an original technique.
The artwork presented here is based on images on shells and rapans, their fragments, the shells and rapans themselves, dotted with drawings made by nature itself. I was able to see in them peculiar plots, then continue the theme in her paintings, using the original technique.
In 2017, my literary and artistic album "Stone Age" was published. It presented works based on images on ordinary stones, drawings made by nature itself. I was able to discern peculiar subjects, looking carefully into the barely perceptible contours of the supposed images, and then continue the theme in the paintings, using the original computer technique. The release of the album had a great resonance in the society - an exhibition with the same title was also held in Veliky Novgorod. Some works from this album were also presented - partially - at other exhibitions in Moscow and Veliky Novgorod.
It cannot be emphasized enough that the artistic and literary works in the Stone Age series mean a lot to me. At first it seemed like the deed was done, the idea had found fulfillment, the plot was exhausted, all was said. However, no. Time has passed. Creativity inspires, and inspiration causes a new upsurge of creativity.
Veliky Novgorod, my homeland, never leaves my heart. The Crimean coast of the Black Sea attached itself to me long ago, since my childhood. The Caucasus appeared in my life much later, but it overpoweringly moved some of my ideas about history, about time, about the usual artistic traditions. And now, being on river, lake or sea shores, I still admire the aura, landscape, water space, still pick up favorite stones and rocks, and besides... - since some time - shells, shell fragments, pieces of shells of some fish shells.
Volkhov River, Ilmen Lake, Black Sea...
Looking at my finds, I see our world in new details, imagine pictures of life of different living beings in different times, the panorama of history unfolding, the sequence of nature evolution, plots of real and imaginable events, recall some works of art of the great past and unimaginably touching present, as well as the authors of these amazing works. Yes, immediately I make plans - new ideas for my own creativity arise, an unexpectedly new view of life, of nature, of human values is formed...
No, it is not only the fairy-tale idyll that drives my thought and my pen and brush. Here is the flip side of my interest - a sad look back at mankind's past. Nature gives man all that she herself has. Animal life, plants, stones, shells, grains of sand, expanses of water... A triumph of the Creator, a splendid realm of life! But is all this enough for humans? Civilizations are changing, leaving nature less and less room in their plans. Nature is sick. But it should develop further, suffering, adapting, improving and... resisting the irrepressible active activity of man, who fancies himself the king of all life on the planet. Man is in fact a greedy predator, devouring all natural resources. Man is interested only in one question: whether it is profitable for him or not. He acts only in one direction, the direction of benefit for himself - on the way to his own destruction. And there the grass does not grow. So it doesn't grow. To save that, to help that, to save the rest... No way!
I dare to hope that my artistic works with images of the messengers of living nature will encourage many people not only to treat the surrounding world more carefully, but also to see even in the inanimate, so to speak, nature, elements of a kindred consciousness, the prerequisites of a response to what is happening to us and in us. Nature sees, feels, experiences... I would like to encourage everyone, without exception, to reconsider their life positions, to make bolder and more cautious steps of rapprochement with nature, and she, as far as she has strength left, will respond with gratitude to us and our children.
My album "Diamonds-RA" is my bow to nature,
my thanks to nature, my expression of my love for it,
my plea for forgiveness, my hope for....
In 2017, my literary and artistic album "The Stone Age" was released. It presented works based on images on ordinary stones, drawings made by nature itself. I was able to discern peculiar plots, carefully peering into the subtle contours of the alleged images, and then continue the theme in the paintings using the original computer technology. The release of the album made a great resonance in society - there was also an exhibition with the same name in Veliky Novgorod. Also, some works from this album were presented - partially - at other exhibitions in Moscow and Veliky Novgorod.
It should be noted that the artistic and literary works from the Stone Age series mean a lot to me. At first it seemed that the deed was done, the idea was embodied, the idea was exhausted, everything was said. However, no. Time has passed. Creativity inspires, and inspiration causes a new upsurge of creativity.
Veliky Novgorod, my homeland, never leaves my heart. The Crimean coast of the Black Sea tied me to itself for a long time, since childhood. The Caucasus appeared in my life much later, but powerfully moved some of my ideas about history, about time, about the usual artistic traditions. And now, being on the river, lake or sea shores, I still admire the aura, the landscape, the expanse of water, I still pick up the pebbles and stones that I like, and besides ... - for some time now - shells, fragments of shells, pieces of shells of some kind then fish.
Volkhov-river, Ilmen-lake, Black Sea..
Looking at my findings, I see our world in new details, I imagine pictures of the life of different living beings at different times, a panorama of the reversal of history, the sequence of the evolution of nature, plots of real and imaginary events, I recall some works of art of the great past and the unimaginably touching present, as well as well as authors of these amazing works. Yes, I immediately make plans - new ideas for my own creativity arise, an unexpectedly new outlook on life, on nature, on human values is formed...
No, not only the fabulous idyll moves my thought, but also my pen and brush. Here is the other side of my interest - a sad look back at the past of mankind. Nature gives man everything that she herself has. Animals, plants, stones, shells, grains of sand, expanses of water... The triumph of the Creator, the splendid realm of life! But is all this enough for people? Civilizations are changing, leaving less and less space for nature in their plans. Nature is sick. But it must develop further, suffering, adapting, improving and... resisting the indefatigable activity of a person who imagines himself to be the king of all life on the planet. Man is actually a greedy predator, devouring all natural resources. A person is only interested in one question: is it profitable for him or not. He acts only in one direction, the direction of benefit to himself - on the road to his own destruction. And there at least the grass does not grow. That's not growing. Save that, help that, save the rest.... No way!
I dare to hope that my artistic works with images of messengers of living nature will encourage many people not only to treat the world around them more carefully, but also to see even in inanimate, so to speak, nature, elements of a kindred consciousness, the prerequisites for a response to what is happening to us and in us. Nature sees, feels, experiences... I would like to encourage everyone, without exception, to reconsider their life positions, to boldly take cautious steps of rapprochement with nature, and she, as much as she has strength left, will respond with gratitude to us and our children.
My album "Adamas-RA" is my bow to nature,
my thanks to nature, my expression of love for her,
my request for forgiveness, my hope for...