About the artwork
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Art form: Painting

Description of the artwork «Games of fate»

Juggling balls can be interpreted as a metaphor of playing with fate. Fate, like a skillful juggler, deftly tosses our lives like multicolored balls. Each of us is a ball, unique in color, shape, weight. And the juggler, aka fate, tosses us into the air with incomprehensible ease, making us whirl and spin, and not always we can understand what trajectory he conceived our flight. Here we are flying high like a bright balloon, dazzling everyone with our beauty and power. It seems to us that we own the world, that everything is in our hands. But then the juggler makes a sudden movement and we fall down, hitting the ground with painful force.
The cold gray and blue tones of the stone emphasize the rough texture and harshness, giving the painting a hypnotic mood.
Looking at this image, the viewer may reflect on the fine line between controlling one's destiny and chance, that we are responsible for our actions, and sometimes chance plays a role.