Petrovich Zakharov

Russia • Moscow • 1930−2018
He was born in 1930, in Moscow. From the age of 14 began to work, studied, visited art studios Sokolov, Rutsai, Tanklevsky. From1950 to 1954 he served in the border troops. Participated in military operations to eliminate armed formations. At the end of the service he worked at the plant, graduated from the school of working youth, technical school, worked as an architect. in 1969 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute. Member of the Moscow Union of Artists since 1992. Participated in various city, republican, jubilee and other exhibitions. In the exhibitions of participants in the war and foreign, as well as in personal exhibitions. He was awarded a medal by a veteran of labor, a jubilee participant in the war. The main genre of creativity is the lyrical landscape of spring floods of rivers, sunny, autumn days, foggy, rainy weather, birches, villages, monasteries and temples. This is the Moscow region, Yaroslavl region. The Vologda. This Suzdal, Rostov the Great. Kargopol, Kirillov, and others. He also worked on portraits and still lifes. He died in June 2018. With Confession and Holy Communion a few days before his death.
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