Schekutev Andrey Viktorovich was born on April 3, 1967 in Moscow. He is an invalid of the first group since childhood. The first years of his life he spent in specialized orphanages, received education there in the amount of primary school, then was transferred to the psycho-neurological boarding school No. 20, where he currently lives. Andrei suffered a severe form of cerebral palsy, the treatment of the consequences of which and the provision of proper care is possible only in the conditions of a specialized medical institution of the social protection system, which is PNI No. 20.
While living in boarding schools, he not only did not close himself, but also found the path that led him to people.
Andrei began to draw early and the result was clear and brought a lot of joy and vivid impressions. In the beginning of the 90s, N. Sednin, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia and Ukraine, opened an art studio in an orphanage, of which A. Shchekutyev became an active student. Thanks to the efforts of N.N. Sednin a personal exhibition of works by A. Schekutiev on the theme “Healing by Art” was organized and held. A catalog and a booklet of works by A. Schekutiev was published for this exhibition. In 1996, the work of Andrei Schekutieva exhibited in Berlin, at the Humboldt University.
In the late 90s, the works of the artist were interested in the charitable organization “For the Future”, which later became his mentor. A few years later, A. Shchekutiev himself began to lead and is currently conducting an art studio at a boarding school, continues to work hard, improving his skills.
The artist's works are known in the State Tretyakov Gallery, in the Palace of Culture of the MAI, in the People's Gallery, in the fund “Look of the Child”. In the Unified Rating of Artists and Graphs posted on the Internet, A. Schekutiev is called an “established artist with high creative potential.” A permanent exhibition in the lobby of the New Stage of the Moscow Art Theater Theater. Anton Chekhov shows that the paintings of A. Schekutiev are in demand, interesting to the audience, and the artist himself has found his place in the artistic space of the capital. The paintings by A. Shchekutiev were marked by the Center for Socio-Cultural Animation “Spirituality” and published in the journal “Ray Fomalhaut” (No. 6, 2007) under the heading “Our Opening Day”, in the information and analytical magazine “Country and Us” for 2008 under the heading “Creativity beyond the possible". The paintings of the artist find their fans and this allows the artist to acquire canvases, oil paints, and most importantly - inspires the search for new subjects and author's themes.
He works in oil, watercolor and gouache, there are graphic works. And he does it with one hand, kneeling. And he does not interfere with hyperkinesis, twitching hands. With his pictures, he tells people about what the speech impediment does not allow to tell.