
Marina Eduardovna Kovaleva • Painting, 2023, 50×70 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Style of art: Surrealism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 2023
Size: 50×70 cm

Description of the artwork «Investigating»

In the pantry in the morning there was a commotion, a terrible crime was committed, someone gnawed through a bag of grain and stole some of the contents. A famous detective and his assistant take over the investigation. The jury and the judge are ready to do their duty... But one cannot see, the other cannot hear, the third will say nothing, and the judge is blind... The mouse on the sack of flour slept through the whole thing, what does he care, the sack of flour wasn't hurt.
Will the perpetrator receive the punishment he deserves? To be continued