Tuman Art Gallery
Tumana Zhumabayeva

Russia • Saint Petersburg • artist, collector, gallery owner
Ordering an artwork

Biography and information

Tuman Zhumabayev (born March 10, 1962, Kirghiz SSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian painter. Member of the USSR Union of Artists since 1991, and the St. Petersburg Union of Artists since 2002. In 1981 he entered the LU named after V.A. Serov (now - named after N.Kh. Roerich). In 1991 he graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. Repin.

Member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Member of the Society of Portrait Artists of America. Twice winner of the contest "Poppy Prairie", Paris. He acts as a representative of the St. Petersburg school of painting, conducts active exhibition activities around the world: in Russia, the USA, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Vietnam, Iran, France, China, and so on. The artist's paintings are in the collections of the Samara State Museum, the Kirghiz State Museum, as well as in the collections of famous people of the world: Elena Obraztsova, Alisa Freindlich, Askar Akayev, Gerard Depardieu, etc. Creative activity constantly appears in various print publications, mass media, as well as periodically covered on television in Russia and abroad.