1. Chronicle of the life of Valentin-Wilhelm Vankovich
May 12, 1800
On the estate of Kalyuzhitsa, Igumen district, Minsk province, the eldest son, Valentiy Wilhelm Vankovich, was born in the family of a county judge Melchior Vankovich and his wife Scholastika Goretskaya. Baptized on May 24th.
Studying with his brother Karol (born in 1801) in the 4th grade of the school of the Polotsk Jesuit Academy.
In Polotsk, the Jesuit Academy “excels” in Russian language and literature, logic, metaphysics and ethics at the Faculty of Free Sciences. “The next year I entered the University of Vilnius.”
Recorded at No. 59 in the Journal of Visiting Lectures of Students of the University of Vilnius in the lecture "on the literature of Polish, Latin and French, drawing and painting, the German language." Indicated his address in Vilna: "Basilian Monastery."
At the First Exhibition of Works of Art at Vilnius University presented 11 works
January 25 - December 23, 1824
- his question was resolved about sending to St. Petersburg to the Academy of Arts "for further improvement in painting and drawing."
January 25, 1824
- at a meeting of the department of literature and art, professor Jan Rustem proposes to send V. Vankovich to the Academy of Arts with funds from Vilnius University for a period of 4 years, with a total of 400 rubles in silver per year, with the condition that after returning "serve in the university department for 6 years."
February 17, 1824
- The University Council reduced the length of stay in St. Petersburg to 2 years and proposed to take a subscription from V. Vankovich after returning "to serve in the university department for 6 years."
March 18, 1824
- Adam Czartoryski, trustee of the Vilna school district, added to these conditions the execution of a copy from a work for the university gallery.
November 12, 1824
- new trustee of Vilnius educational district N.N. Novosiltsev asks the president of the Academy of Arts A.N. Olenin to instruct V. Vankovich, “who has shown significant success in drawing art and painting, and who has great hopes for excellent talents,” to the leadership of Academician A.E. Egorova.
November 24, 1824
- N.N. Novosiltsev allows the rector of the university to give V. Vankovich 195 rubles 12 kopecks with bills to pay three horses to St. Petersburg.
December 19-20, December 23, 1824
- the provisional board of the Academy of Arts allows V. Vankovich to study on the condition that “he would supply himself with the necessary materials, such as paper, pencil, paints, brushes, a primed canvas and others; ... he doesn’t have to appoint an apartment for the Academy ... he shouldn’t even make him an official table, as he shouldn’t be satisfied with clothes, underwear and shoes: for all this he must receive the sum from the university. ”
January 12, 1825
- the board of Vilnius University asks the Minsk Civil Governor “currently located in Minsk” V. Vankovich “to supply the roadman with the official needs for collecting two mail horses for travel” to St. Petersburg.
February 3, 1825
- "Mr. Vankovich stayed with Mr. Horde at the Gallery House of the Commercial Society." The address and date are on the first page of the letter of the professor of the University of Vilna G. Grodek, President of the Academy of Arts A.N. Venison dated November 6, 1824
February 28, 1825
- For the first time participates in a monthly exam, performs a drawing from nature.
May 2, 1825
- Participates in a 4-month exam and receives a 2nd silver medal for drawing from life from two figures.
January 1826
- marries Anele Rostotskaya. The time of marriage is indicated on the basis of a letter sent to Vankovi-chu from the University of Vilna in February to St. Petersburg, with a reminder of the need to regularly send reports “about all difficulties, as well as the fact that the pan could not without the knowledge and permission of the university vacation time to leave St. Petersburg for marriage. ”
Fig. 4. Portrait of Aneli Rostotskaya’s wife and children. V. Vankovich
October 2, 1826
- - Participates in a 4-month exam and receives the 1st silver medal for drawing from life from two figures.
December 19, 1826
- the university asks the trustee of the Vilna school district to extend the stay of V. Vankovich at the Academy of Arts and determine the content in the amount of 600 rubles in silver per year.
January 18, 1827
- V. Vankovich’s report to the Faculty of Literature and Art at Vilnius University about receiving the “highest degree” silver medal, as well as the fact that he has completed several works in oil and chalk and feels that he “still does not have the style that the historical artist needs” .
February 26, 1827
- participates in the monthly exam according to the drawing from nature.
June 22, 1827
- the trustee of the Vilnius educational district allows the university to extend the term of V. Vankovich’s stay at the academy and issue the contents in the amount of 600 rubles silver per year.
September 13-14, 1827
- received a 2nd gold medal for the historical painting program “The Feat of a Young Kiev Resident”. In the journal of extraordinary meetings of the members of the Imperial Academy of Arts there is an entry: “... if Vilnius University agrees to accept the costs required to knock out medals at its own expense, then upon receipt of this notice: give Smokovsky and Vankovich a second-degree gold medal. Moreover, if he admitted for the right to send the candidate Smokovsky, and evenly the student Vankovich on his dependency to foreign lands for further improvement in painting, then they could, by their abilities, have some right to such a beneficence of the University: for if they If they were members of the Academy’s pupils, then according to the award they now earned for success in painting, they would have the right to the title of artists of the 14th grade (which the Academy can no longer give them, as if they were not brought up in it and already have academic ranks I’m at a university) would have been sent to foreign lands. ”
The work has not been preserved.
September 14, 1827
- certificate of award of a “lesser gold medal” (a copy was sent to Minsk by the Academy of Arts on 8/25/1829 at the request of V. Vankovich).
October 24, 1827
- in Pinsk, the eldest son Adam Vikenty Vankovich was born, baptized on October 25.
February 1828
- Arrival of Aneli Vankovich to her husband in St. Petersburg. An entry in the diary of Nikolai Malinovsky on February 11 and 12: "I kept my promise to Vankovich and greeted his wife with her first visit."
Back in September, the Vankovich family lived in Pargolovo. In the 2nd notebook of the diary of Elena Szymanowska (Polish Library in Paris; the diary dates from May 12 - October 16), the record made by the Vankovichs in Pargolovo on September 2 is preserved: "In the evening everyone came to us and sang Miskiewicz's improvisations."
February 18, 1828 - February 21, 1829
- the question of the pensioning of V. Vankovich is being decided.
February 18, 1828
- Professor J. Rustem in the Council of the University of Vilnius believes that V. Vankovich is the most worthy contender for a trip abroad at the expense of the university to Italy and France.
April 12, 1828
- Vilnius University is asking permission from the trustee of the Vilnius school district to stop paying the "boarding house" to V. Vankovich from July 1, 1828. This permission was received on June 7.
June 5, 1828
- Director of the Department of Education D.I. Languages reports to the rector of the University of Vilna V.V. Pelican about the request of V. Vankovich to provide him with a new residence permit on January 1, 1829, since he should stay at the Academy of Arts until early January. DI. Languages asks if the university has any “obstacles to the issue of a residence permit”. On June 7, the rector of the university said that he "has no obstacles to issue a residence permit to V. Vankovich."
June 8, 1828
- the trustee of the Vilnius educational district informs the president of the Academy of Arts that the university can send only one applicant at its own expense, and the Academy of Arts proposes to solve the question of who it is personally.
July 31, 1828
- The Council of the Academy of Arts decided to put the applicants to a new test and give them a program to be executed within the walls of the academy. This will take a year, during which the university will have to support them.
August 24, 1828
- the Academy asks N.N. Novosiltseva to give an answer to his proposal, since there is no answer from Vilna University about the possibility of keeping at the academy V. Smokovsky and V. Vankovich for another year.
January 12, 1829
- N.N. Novosiltsev asks the president of the Academy of Arts to resolve the issue on the basis of the work of the applicants that they created in 1827 or 1828
February 1, 1829
- The Academy Council accepted the proposal of N.N. Novosiltseva also decided that applicants "immediately submit to the Academy Council their own work on historical painting, which they did in 1827 or 1828."
February 12, 1829
- since the applicants presented different works - “one on historical and the other on portraiture”, the Council decided: “ask them to draw the same act from life at the same time and make a decisive conclusion from these drawings”.
February 13, 1829
- The ball was given a receipt by V. Vankovich and V. Smokovsky that they were familiar with the decision of the Council and should come to the academy on February 13 "for introduction to the full-scale class."
Fig. 7: A list of V. Vankovich and V. Smokovsky that they are familiar with the decision of the Council.
February 21, 1829
- from the magazine of the Council of the Academy of Arts for 1829: the Council of the Academy, “having the only thing to do in this matter as impartially as possible, I decided that the names should not be indicated on the drawings ... so that in this obscurity it would be possible to directly determine actually the degree of advantage of one art over the other in terms of art ”...“ The drawing of a pensioner Smokovsky, indicated by the letter A, received six approving votes, and nine disapproving; the drawing of pensioner V. Vankovich under the letter B received thirteen approving points, and two disapproving. As a result, the pensioner Vankovich got his advantage over his friend Smokovsky with the majority of points.
Simultaneously with the solution of the question of retirement, V. Vankovich had problems with the payment of maintenance and the extension of the period of a residence permit in St. Petersburg.
Fig. 8: Figure of the model, pensioner V. Vankovich under the letter B.
May 3, 1829
- The University Council considered the request of V. Vankovich about the possibility of his retirement and refused, because "the amount intended for travel this year has been exhausted."
June 9, 1829
- V. Vankovich appealed to the board of the Academy of Arts with a request to send him a certificate of award of a gold medal and a copy of a letter from the trustee of Vilensky school district N.N. Novosiltsev № 1684 at the address: Minsk in the house of Srezhbitsky.
July 25, 1829
- The Academy of Arts sent V. Vankovich a copy of the certificate and a copy of the letter to N.N. Novosiltsev № 1684.
December 19, 1829
- V. Vankovich informed the Academy of Arts that he had received the documents he had previously requested and that they had been in the Minsk Provincial Post Office for more than two months, since he had been absent from Minsk; he thanks for fulfilling his request and writes in the end: "... the distinction favored by the Imperial Academy of Arts will be very flattering to me and will nourish in my heart a sensitive and boundless appreciation at the end of my life."
December 24, 1831
- the second son, Kazimir Vankovich, was born in Minsk. Baptized on December 29.
September 21, 1832
- The Council of the Academy of Arts for portraits "painted from nature", awarded V. Vankovich the title of "appointed."
March 20, 1833
- V. Vankovich appeals to the Council of the Academy of Arts with a request to appoint him a program "for the title of Full Academician", since the title of "appointed" gives him strength and a double desire for art. "
May 9, 1833
- The Council of the Academy of Arts offers V. Vankovich “to write a family scene, to choose a plot, leaving your own arbitrariness, figures, if you prefer to write it, in full size, should be no less than they are generational.”
October 11, 1834
- the youngest son, Yan-Edward Vankovich, was born, was baptized on October 16.
The next 6 years of V. Vankovich’s life — after October 11, 1834 and until September 15, 1841 — were not confirmed by documents. Researchers do not know the exact date of his departure abroad and the time he spent in Berlin, Dresden and
January 19, 1840
- The Minsk district leader of the nobility, Felix Rzhevusky, submits to the office of the Minsk civil governor the following request: “The landowner of the Minsk district, Anel, wife Valentiy Vankovich, with his young son Kazimir and relative, Alexander Podolinsky, intends to go to Vilna for a period of one ... year. .
Finding no obstacle ... to the absence of the said nobles and knowing personally that they are the essence of good behavior, "Rzhevussky asks to provide them with annual passports.
Obviously, Valery Vankovich was no longer in Minsk at that time, so Anelya was able to leave the city for such a long time.
September 15, 1841
- Valentin Vankovich was in Paris. Z. Makovetskaya believes that “around September 15” Vankovich arrived in Paris, probably at the call of Andrzej Toviansky and settled with Anthony Goretsky. However, due to Goretsky’s break with Tovyansky, Valenty Vankovich broke with his uncle and moved to Adam Mickiewicz.
September 29, 1841
- V. Vankovich at the Miscavites. The date is indicated on his letter addressed to Anthony Goretsky.
October 6, 1841
- Valentin Vankovich asks Anthony Goretsky all correspondence, which will come for him or Andrzej Tovyansky, to send to the Miscavites, as well as transport with paintings from Munich.
March 1842
- "AT. Vankovich is "sick with a chest" and seems mortally. I am very sorry for the poor fellow, a decent person and a completely victim of Toviansky, ”writes the Polish writer Stefan Witwicki to the poet Jozef Bogdan Zalessky.
April 16, 1842
“Adam and all of him are healthy, except for one Vankovich who is slowly dying away.”
May 12, 1842
- The testament of V. Vankovich (autograph of Adam Mickiewicz): “Leave to my family and children my property, which is left after me. I want to entrust them to one of my friends Adam Mickiewicz, so that he acts in accordance with the law and zealously takes care of my property, not allowing anyone else to interfere with his orders.
Some of the paintings are for sale to pay for my Paris debts, and give the remaining money to those in need.
I leave the image of St. John the Evangelist to Miscavige, who will later return it to my family. I leave the image of St. Clara to Andrzej Toviansky. I leave folders and albums to my children.
The image of the Madonna can be sold. Pictures and folders located in Berlin will also be taken by relatives.
Year 1842. May 12 days, leave the portrait of Angers at the disposal of Angers. I give the watercolor of the martyr St. John to the Miscavites.
Valentin Vankovich. "
May 14, 1842
- document on the death of V. Vankovich, compiled by A. Goretsky: “Valenty Vankovich, ul. Amsterdam 1, died in Paris on May 12, 1842, was buried on May 14, 1842 in the cemetery of Montmartre Saint-Denis, line 7, grave No. 20. A. Goretsky. Plot of land No. 23 in branch 17 is currently free. "