Сергеевич Миронов

Belarus • Horad Minsk • born in 1961

Biography and information

Belarusian artist Gennady Mironov.
1984 - Graduated from the Minsk Art College
1989 - the first personal exhibition, Minsk. Teacher's House
1989-1994 - Member of the Fund of "Free Russian Modern Art", participation in the exhibitions of the Fund: Munich, Leningrad, Moscow, Gomel, Smolensk, Kiev, Paris, Berlin, Cannes
1990-1997 - cooperation with the gallery "Bost-Art" Kiev, personal and group exhibitions: Kiev, Rotterdam, Brussels, Vienna, Simferopol, New York, Donetsk, Amsterdam
1998 - Presentation of Gennady Mironov’s work as a gift by to the Pope of Rome, Ioan Paul II by the Belarusian Catholic Diocese
since 2008 - Chile-Belarus, exhibitions: Santiago, Viña Del Mar.
Since 2014 - Studio-gallery “Andes” set in Minsk.