Antonovich Shorts


Biography and information


Владимир Антонович Шорц


Shortz (Shorts, Shorz) Шорц was born in Moscow in 1926. He graduated from: “Moscow Institute of Energy”and fought in WWII, earning several medals for the victory over Nazi Germany.
Since 1957, he became a member of the Moscow Joint Committee of Graphic Artists, Union of Artists of the Russia. He worked in Moscow publishing houses as a freelance artist and as a member of the Society of Avant-Garde artists "Studio Belutin". As part of the studio, he participated in most nonconformism exhibitions in Moscow. (1959-63). Shortz was known as a graphic artist, during that time period.

As one of the artists of Soviet unofficial art movement (not formally recognized by the Soviet Union government), Vladimir Shorts was one of those artists, whose works were criticized by Nikita Khrushchev at the Moscow, “Manege” historical Russian Art exhibition in 1962.

On December 1, 1962, Nikita Khrushchev, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union Communist Party and chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, “denounced” the exhibition of Avant-Garde artists of the New Reality studio in the Manege, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Moscow branch of the Union of Artists of the USSR.

This event was a milestone in the history of relations between the government and the creative intelligentsia in the USSR.

Vladimir Shortz was engaged in easel graphics and painting, book design and participant of exhibitions of artists-books, paintings and many others art exhibitions.

His works are found in many museums and private collections throughout Russia, Germany, France and the USA.

He lived and died in Moscow.Vladimir Shortz was engaged in easel graphics and painting, book design and participant of exhibitions of artists-books, paintings and many others art exhibitions.

His works are found in many museums and private collections throughout Russia, Germany, France and the USA.

He lived and died in Moscow.


Владимир Антонович Шорц


Художник Русский Авангардист, нонконформист: Шорц Владимир Антонович.

Родился в Москве в 1926. Закончил: «Московский институт энергетики».
Участник Великой Отечественной войны, награжден медалями “За взятие Вены”, “За взятие Будапешта”, “За Победу над Германией” и другими.
С 1957 член Московского Объединенного комитета художников графиков, СХ России. Работал в московских издательствах внештатным художником. Член общества художников Авангардистов «Студия Белютина» В составе студии участвовал в следующих выставках в Москве. 1961г. “Молодежная”, Литературный институт им. М.Горького, Дом Кино, Дом ученых, “Таганка”, “Манеж” “30 лет МОСХа”. 1959-63. Наиболее известный как художник-график.

Один из лидеров советского неофициального искусства художник Владимир Шорц был одним из тех, чьи произведения были раскритикованы Никитой Хрущевым на московской выставке 1962 года в "Манеже".

1 декабря 1962 года Никита Хрущёв, первый секретарь ЦК КПСС и председатель Совета Министров СССР, «разгромил» выставку художников-авангардистов студии «Новая реальность» в Манеже, приуроченную к 30-летию московского отделения Союза художников СССР.

Это событие стало некой вехой в истории отношения власти и творческой интеллигенции в СССР.

Занимался станковой графикой и живописью, оформлением книг.
В дальнейшем, участник выставок художников-книги, живописных выставок, - “Другое искусство” 1956-76 гг. и многих других.

Жил работал и умер в Москве.