The embassy of the biosphere

Natalia Garber • Digital art, November 2023
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Digital art
Subject and objects: Allegorical scene
Technique: Digital art
Date of creation: November 2023
Location: Natalia Garber
Artwork in selections: 1 selection

Description of the artwork «The embassy of the biosphere»

Welcome to my Web3 art embassy of the biosphere, presented @ Chromaflora!

I create the AI art embassy of the biosphere to manage the Planet for the benefit of all living beings - and invite you to review and follow me @ HUG to care about the Planet together. The first image of my art of sustainable development will be presented @ Web3 exhibition "Chromaflora: A Hybrid Art Exhibition blending Nature & Technology" on December 11-17 in Lisbon, Portugal.

The great Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky sayed in 1950th, that as the humankind became a geo-changing force, so our main task is to manage the biosphere sustainably, according to its natural laws and our technological abilities. Since then we continued to destroy Earth by overconsumption & confrontation. UN conference on climate change "COP28" confirmed this trend in Dec 2023.

As we suffer from what we create, I create the art of sustainable development to make a happy trend. If you care, review & follow me on HUG to care about Earth together!

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