Evgenievna Garshina

Russia • Moscow and Moscow Oblast • born in 1980 • artist
Artist in social media

Biography and information

The first personal exhibition "Alone" by EE Garshina took place in 2006 in the Moscow gallery "Bagira". The exhibition featured graphic and painting canvases.

Since 2006 works by Garshina were exhibited in the halls of the Moscow International Design Center “Artplay”, in the halls of the “Bagira” gallery, in the White House of the Russian Federation, in the State Tretyakov Gallery, in the House of Cinema, in the Children's Library. A. Barto, organized by the state gallery "Belyaevo", in the Museum-Estate of F. I. Shalyapin. She is a permanent participant of exhibitions held by the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia, the International Art Fund, the Central House of Artists - "SALON" and ART-MANEZH.

2009 to 2013 personal exhibitions were held in the halls of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, in the sanatorium "RUS" under the patronage of the "All-Russian public organization of disabled war veterans in Afghanistan", in the library named after I. Turgenev, in the halls of the Business Center of the German company "PALL".

A joint exhibition of painting and graphics Nikogosyan N.B and Garshina E.E "Teacher and student" Two epochs "was held at the Art Gallery" Dresden "Gostiny Dvor from 25.11.2013-25.12.2013.

Exhibitions in Europe

Personal exhibition of graphics "Music and Ballet" Germany-Dresden in the gallery "Moskau Vernissage" from 04.02.2010. until 07.03.2010
The exposition presented graphic series of the ballet "SWANENSEE"

Personal exhibition Germany-Constance in the Land Council "LANDRATSAMT" from 29.11.2011. until 20.12.2011
The exposition featured about 40 graphic works and 20 paintings.

Personal exhibition of painting and graphics "Empire of Beauty" Germany-Dresden in the gallery "Moskau Vernissage" from 27.06.2012. to 27.07.2012

Was a participant in the “II International Exhibition Biennale of Contemporary Art Germany-Munich from 27.02.2014 to 14.03.2014.


Awards and achievements

In 2006 she became a member of the International Art Fund.

Since April 2008 is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

In October 2008 the Art Fund of Spain awarded Elena Garshina and her graphic series Pyotr Tchaikovsky's ballet "Swan Lake" with II place, for participation in the International Art Competition of the composer name Antonio Gualdi.

In December 2008 International Academy of Culture and Art awarded Elena Garshina with Golden Order "Serving the art".
In spring 2011 the Union of Artists of Russia awarded Elena with diploma of III degree.

Since 2006 a member of the International Art Fund.

Since 2008 member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

In October 2008. The Artistic Fund of Spain awarded the II place to the graphic series of PI Tchaikovsky's ballet "Swan Lake" for participation in the International Art Competition named after the composer ANTONIO GUALDI.

December 2008 The International Academy of Culture and Art awarded E.E. Garshina with the Golden Order "Service to Art".

In the spring of 2011, the Union of Artists of Russia awarded the III degree diploma

In the spring of 2017, the Russian Academy of Arts awarded the Worthy Medal.