The real name of the vase-painter is not preserved in history. His "official" name he was named after the Potter Andokides, who left his signature on five vessels, painted ring vase-painter. With the exception of three "bowls with the eyes" (so called for the image of the eye on the reverse side) all preserved a vase of Andokides-vase-painter have the shape of an amphora of type A. the vase-painter Antacid is considered a disciple of the famous master Exekia vase painters working in the style of black-figure vase painting. He is credited with the first attempts of red-figure pottery painting. In addition, he experimented with painting on a white background.
Seven of Indocid attributed to the vase-painter works — six amphorae and one bowl are bilingual, that is painted simultaneously in two styles — black-figure and red-figure. Some scholars (e.g., John Beasley (John D. Beazley)) believe that the black-figure side of these vases was painted by the vase-painter, Lysippe.
Indocid wrote on mythological themes, mostly from the life of Hercules. The figures in his images are angular and fixed, but according to I. Wiegartner "full of naive, joyful charm". Characteristic features of creativity are Andokides economical approach to drawing the internal lines of images and excessive ornamentality issued clothing. Antacid have not exhausted all the possibilities of a new style of vase painting, they are opened only by the vase painters of the circle of the vase-painter Eronia who received art in the name of "vase painters-pioneers".