Description of the artwork «Black ball»
Michael Pavlenin 1946 - 2015.graduated from the Sankt-Petersburg Academy of Arts. Known in the today "s art of Sankt-Petersburg as on original master of figurative and abstract color - psychological compositions. His freely expressive and very musical works have a complex conflicting harmony and a wide emotional spectrum. Without doubt, M. Pavlenin" s art is the produkt of his whole nature that bears no compromise. He who prefers not to participate in the bustle of life, nevertheless has been a participant of a number of prestigious exhibitions in Russia and other countries. Michael Pavlenin work is unique and in spite of the easily readable prototypes, is absolutely individual. Michael Pavlenin's compositions may essentially enrich a collection of any Museum.Ye Aksyonova.Senior Research Officer, Departament of the 20th Century Painting, the State Russian Museum.Participation in Exhibitions and Auctions. 1979-1986--20 All-Russian Art Exhibitions. 1986 - First Annual international Exhibition of Miniature Art, Toronto, Canada, Honor Diploma. 1987 - Second Annual international Exhibition of Miniature Art, Toronto, Canada, Honor Diploma. 1988 - Third Annual international Exhibition of Miniature Art, Toronto, Canada .1989 - Druo Gallery, June, November. Paris. France. 1990 - Small Forms of Drawings, Leningrad, UdSSR. 1990 - Exhibition of 20 Artists of Leningrad, Arhus, Denmark. 1991 - Joint Russian-American Spring Exhibition , Binhampton New York, USA. 1991 - Exhibition and Sale of Russian Art, Boston, USA. 1992 - Exhibition of the group "Noopark" in the Diaghilev Art Center, St-Petersburg, Russia. 1992 - Exhibition and Sale of the Russian Art, Praque, Chec. Republic. 1993 - Christian Art, Ha mburg, Germany.1993 - New Realities, Hamburg, Germany.1995 - Personal Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany.1996 --- Art-Manege, Moscow, Russia.1997 - Miphology, State Russian Museum, St-Petersburg, Russia .1998 - XXVII international Ex Libris Congress, St-Petersburg, Russia. 2001 - abstraction in Russia XX century "Russian Museum" 2001 - two in 300 years "Russian Museum". 2008 - personal exhibition Fr-Main, Germany.Works are in the State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia, the Museum and galleries of contemporary art "erarta", Russia, Herbert Jonson Museum of Art, USA and in private collections in Austria , Argentina, Belgium, United kingdom, Germany, Israel, Canada, Colombia, Poland, USA, Turkey, Holland, Finland, France, Szeck. Republic, Sweden.