De Stijl

born in 1917
"De Stijl" (Dutch. "De Stijl", "Style") - the society of artists, formed in Leiden in 1917.
This activity of the association was based on the theoretical concept of neoplasticism, developed by the Dutch artist Peter Cornelis Mondrian.
The circle of founders includes the artists Theo van Doosburg, Piet Mondrian, Bart van der Leck, architects Jacobs Johannes Aud, Jan Wils and Robert van 't Hoff (nid.) Russian, sculptor Georges Vantongerlo and poet Anthony Cock (nid.) Russian. Later they were joined by Gino Severini, Jean Arp, Gerrit Rietveld, El Lissitzky, Friedrich Vordemberge-Hildewart, Kazar Domela Nieuwengeis and Constantin Brancusi.
The philosophy of the De Stijl group is characterized by panaestheticism and purism, the belief that perfect architectonics will replace the “chaos of nature”. The main feature of the aesthetic program of the new association was a radical renewal of art on the basis of radical changes in attitudes towards man and his living conditions.
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