LVHPU them. Mukhina's specialty is an artist-designer, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1990 in the "poster" section. Participates in major international and Russian exhibitions, works have been awarded prizes and awards. Collaborates with architectural and construction firms and film studios as an artist-constructor, interior designer, furniture designer, designer, decorator.
He worked with such directors as A. Sokurov, A. German - junior, S. Bodrov - senior, Jacques Rivette, S. Soloviev, Oliver Hirschbigel, Philip Yankovsky.
He worked on such projects as: 1. Feature film "Moloch", directed by A. Sokurov,
2. Joint project Japan-Russia, feature film "Sun", directed by A. Sokurov,
3.A project dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the lifting of the blockade on Palace Square by A. Sokurov,
4. Joint German-Russian project of the feature film "Sunset", film director Oliver Hirschbigel, 5. Joint British-Russian project of the feature film "Blockade", production designer V. Zelenskaya, 6. Feature film "Garpastum", director A. German - junior, 7. Feature film "Checkmate", co-production Luxembourg-Russia, Jacques Rivette,
8. Television series “The Life and Death of the Robber Lyonka
Panteleev ”, directed by Ernest Yasan, 9. Project of a 12-episode television feature film“ Juncker ”based on the works of the classic of Russian literature A. I. Kuprin. Film company "CHEROMAFILM", 10. Feature film "Assa-2" and "Anna Karenina, director S. Soloviev, 11. Feature film" Anna Akhmatova ", director
D. Tomashpolsky, "Close-up Cinema" film company, 12. Vaudeville film "Shakespeare never dreamed of" production
LLC "Pelikan-Film" commissioned by the Moscow Government, producer S. Zhigunov, 13. Feature film "Sword Bearer", directed by Philip Yankovsky, 14. "Edge" - Russian drama film directed by Alexei Uchitel, 15. Joint Chinese-Russian project, film
"Mongol", directed by S. Bodrov - senior, 16. Project of a new film based on the book by Andrey Kivinov and
Fyodor Krestovoy "High Security Vacation" directed by I. Zaitsev,
film "Happy end" directed by Y. Chevazhevsky, cameraman Vitor Amati,
film based on the book by Andrey Kivinov and Fyodor Krestovoy "High Security Vacation", directed by A. Zaitsev, 19.serial "Sea Devils. Smerch 2 ", 20." Stalingrad "- Russian war drama directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk 21. Feature film" Faust "directed by A. Sokurov,
22. Film "Fir Trees 5", directed by Timur Bekmambetov, 23. Feature film "Matilda" directed by Alexei Uchitel, 24. "Duelist" - an adventure film directed by Alexei Mizgirev