Faragatovich Zamaleev

Russia • Saint Petersburg • 1959−2016
Artist painter. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia.
T.F. Zamaleev was born in Tatarstan on 01/03/1959, as a twenty-year-old boy he came to St. Petersburg and entered the Leningrad Higher Art School named after I. Mukhina. After graduating from high school in 1986, he decided to stay in the city on the Neva and enthusiastically began to engage in creative work. The artist painted all the paintings from nature. Contemporary artist, painter, author of bright, expressive in color landscapes with views of St. Petersburg, colorful still lifes and portraits. Petersburg with its picturesque views of embankments and canals, austere facade architecture and romantic suburbs, became the main theme of Talgat's work. With each of his works, he seems to rediscover Petersburg for himself and the viewer, presenting the city in the rays of the rising sun, in the colors of the sunset, through the silvery shroud of rain and against the background of the night sky. Favorite city inspires the artist to create again and again. Wherever Talgat walks, the sketchbook and paints are always behind him, and the mood of endlessly painting from nature never leaves him. The state of joy and poetic flight is expressed in its brightly colored panoramic landscapes. In some of his works, Zamaleev acts as an adherent of the traditions of the St. Petersburg school of painting. For example, in such paintings as "The Light Beyond the River", "Flowers in the Swamp", "The Path by the River", "Wet Trees" he thinks over the composition to the smallest detail, chooses austere and calm colors. However, the artist's bright talent is revealed in works written with a free wide brush, in those works where the surface of the canvas resembles a variegated mosaic, and the color is very intense. Talgat boldly combines cold and warm tones here, striving for special expressiveness and decorativeness of the image: "View of the Savior", "Washing. Red Boat "," Night Palace Bridge "," Elagin Island "and many other works. A special place in the work of T. Zamaleev is given to the portrait. In this genre, the artist proved to be a pleasant companion, conducting a dialogue with his model. Talgat immediately sees the main thing in a person and is not distracted by extraneous details, catches characteristic features with well-aimed brush strokes and always hits the target. He is inspired by people living with him in the same city, among whom he finds colorful images; he likes the changeable weather of St. Petersburg, which gives him a huge palette of moods and the opportunity to improvise. In his St. Petersburg motives, Talgat Zamaleev appears as a professional master, the continuer of the tradition of the "Mukhino" painting school, which is associated with the renowned creative university, which recently again received the name of its creator, Baron A.L. Stieglitz. Many Leningrad painters - Talgat's peers or representatives of the older generation, also associated with this school, during their studies or independent creative work, were guided by the "classics" of innovative painting of the late nineteenth - early twentieth century. The discoveries of the French impressionists, Cézanne, Van Gogh and Matisse and their Russian followers - the artists of the "Jack of Diamonds" society, were reflected in their own way in Talgat's canvases, perhaps acquiring a more emotional coloring characteristic of the art of German expressionism of the 1910-1920s. But Zamaleev, sincerely admiring the freedom of painting, giving preference to a forced open palette, does not create replicas to the masterpieces of the great European and Russian predecessors, but reveals something of his own, consonant with his idea of the world. It is noteworthy that the emancipation of an energetic manner is always introduced in his urban landscapes into rather strict spatial boundaries. It is enough to look at the Kunstkamera or Inzhenernaya Street, in the alignment of which the buildings of the circus and the Guardhouse of the Mikhailovsky Castle open up - and we understand how accurately and subtly the master feels the specifics of classical Petersburg. The prospect of wide straight streets or the panorama of the Neva, imperiously capturing the view from the Palace Bridge to the Gulf of Finland - all this seems surprisingly familiar, close, but experienced (thanks to the artist!) As if for the first time. Probably, this is how we perceive the familiar buildings and monuments in a completely new way at the moment of some unusual natural phenomenon. However, Talgat Zamaleev does not seek to introduce external extravagance into his works, to flaunt the artistry of performance. His canvases were born of hard work, the desire to constantly improve his skills through work from nature. Perhaps, here it is no less difficult for the author not to submit to the “dictates of nature”, to preserve his recognizable style, ability to decorative generalization of color and form. And in the images of garden flowers - spectacular, filled with the vital power of heat and sun, Talgat, more trusting the natural forms of nature, remains a true painter. He is in love with color, believes in its ability to create a new world, harmonious and festive. And he seems to give us the right to continue with him this search for beauty in simple and eternal motives, which in the magic mirror of painting each time reveal some hidden facets. Without them, our life would become perceptibly poorer and deprived of that depth and fullness of being, which really opens up at the moment of creativity. Exhibition activities: 1978 - participant of the All-Union exhibition of diploma works in Moscow; 1995 - personal exhibition at the House of Cinema on Karavannaya; 1996 - personal exhibition at the House of the Journalist on Nevsky; 2003 - exhibition at Lenexpo 2004 - personal exhibition at the House-Museum of S. Brodsky; 2004 - exhibition at the Elagin Palace; Since 1998, a permanent exhibition of works in the building of the Collegium Polonicum University. In November 2016, the life of the St. Petersburg painter Talgat Zamaleev was tragically cut short. Works are in private collections in Russia and abroad.
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