Artist painter. Educator. member of the Union of Artists of Russia, Member of the All-Russian Union of Artists of Russia.
Born on November 8, 1946 in the town of Chaplygin, Lipetsk Region. Studied at the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art (formerly Stroganovskoe) at the department of masters (1964-1966), at the graphic arts department of the Oryol State Pedagogical Institute (1967-1972). Worked in the Houses of Creativity: "Staraya Ladoga" (1977); Baikal (1990). Lecturer at the graphic arts department of the Rostov State Pedagogical Institute (1973-1977). Teacher of the art school 1 in Orel (1978-1979). Lecturer and director of the Khotynets school of arts (1979-1986). Director of the art school 1 in Oryol. (1986-1988). Lecturer at the Oryol Art School (1988-1995). Teacher at the Art School 2 in Oryol (2000-2008). Member of VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia" since 2006. Participant of the VI Lipetsk plein air (2010-Terbuny-Lipetsk region) International plein air "Plastovskaya autumn" in the village. Prislonikha of the Ulyanovsk region 2017 From 2008-2019 Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture, Oryol State University named after I.S. Trgenev. Works awarded: Diplomas of Art Week Latvia International exhibition competition of contemporary Slavic art "Days of Russian culture in Latvia" nomination: Landscapes and landscapes in classical style (3rd place) 2013, Semana de Arte eslava em Portugal International painting competition. Classical painting. Landscapes and landscapes. (2nd place) 2013. Certificate of Merit from the Department of Culture of the Administration of the city of Orel 2007; Certificate of honor of the Administration of the city of Oryol 2006; Certificate of honor of the Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev 2018; Certificate of honor of the Governor of the Oryol region 2019, Diplomas of the All-Union Society of Artists of Russia 2011, 2018, 2019, Certificate of honor of the Department of Culture and Archival Affairs of the Oryol Region, 2019 Exhibitions: regional (since 1975.); zonal: "Edge of Chernozem" (1992-Voronezh); republican: portrait exhibition (1991-Moscow); regional: exhibition of works following the results of the VI Lipetsk plein air (2010-Terbuny-Lipetsk-Moscow); personal: (2001, 2003, 2004, 2005,2011-Eagle); exhibition of watercolors and drawing (2006-Oryol; 2010-Rostov-on-Don), exhibition of painting and drawing in the Chaplygin Museum of Local Lore-2013. international: "The Sealed Angel" to the 180th anniversary of NS Leskov (2011). XIII International Exhibition-Competition of Contemporary Art in Moscow. 2013 V International Exhibition-Competition of Contemporary Art in St. Petersburg. 2013 International Exhibition-Competition of Contemporary Slavic Art in Riga. 2013 (3rd place) Semana de Arte eslava em Portugal International painting competition. Nomination: Classical painting. Landscapes and landscapes. (2nd place) 2013. Personal exhibition "Landscapes of different years" Bolkhov Museum of Local Lore - 2014. Personal painting exhibition."Russia sweet land" Mtsensk Art Gallery, Mtsensk -2015, Personal anniversary painting exhibition "Oryol Landscape", Oryol Museum of Local Lore, Oryol -2016; Interregional art exhibition of three cities Belgorod, Kursk, Orel "And the look, the depth and essence of things ..." (2016-2017 - Belgorod). Interregional Arts Festival in memory of S.S. Kosenkova 2017 (Belgorod), Exhibition of works by Oryol artists. Within the framework of the days of the Oryol region in Moscow "Bow down to my Motherland" 2018, Interregional exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk, Kursk. 2018, Interregional exhibition of works by artists from Kursk, Orel and Belgorod, dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the birth of N.D. Bartram and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Museum of Toys in 2018, the All-Russian art exhibition "IMAGE OF THE MOTHERLAND IV" dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of I.S. Turgenev 2018, Personal exhibition of paintings by A.A. Polukarov "Dedicated to I. S. Turgenev" 2019, Interregional art exhibition of three cities Belgoro, Kursk, Orel dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of A. Deineke, Kursk, 2019; IV open Belgorod festival of fine arts in memory of the honored artist of Russia S.S. Kosenkova 2019, Participant of the Kursk International Plein Air 2019; in the I International Exhibition-Competition of Teachers-Artists "Let us bow to those great years" (in MBUK "City Exhibition Hall" in Bryansk); Exhibition of three cities Belgorod, Kursk, Orel, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Kursk, 2020; Interregional exhibition "Through the Bunin Word", timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, Voronezh, 2020 Works are: Lipetsk Art Museum, Terbun Museum of Local Lore, Chaplygin Museum of Local Lore, Bolkhov Museum of Local Lore, Ulyanovsk Art Museum of Local Lore Museum, Literary Museum named after I.S. Turgenev.