Nikolaevich Kosogorov

Russia • Voronezh • 1921−1989

Biography and information

Designer, painter, graphic artist.
Born on October 24, 1921 in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl province. In 1940 he studied at the Palekh Art School. Member of the Great Patriotic War. He worked at the Voronezh creative and production plant of the Art Fund (1947-1986). Participant of regional, zonal exhibitions since 1952. He worked mainly in the field of production of emblems. Fulfilled orders of the Voronezh Confectionery Factory (from the late 1950s to the mid-1970s), (sketches of boxes and labels for candies "To the Stars" (1963), "Little Red Riding Hood" (1964), "Koltsov's Songs" (1966), "Voronezh" (1960s), designed dioramas in the local history museums of Voronezh and the city of Efremov in the Tula region, the museum of the Voronezh State Biosphere Reserve. He nurtured the plot of the labels for a long time, and the first series was considered unsuccessful. And in the end, he found a solution - in several labels to reflect the entire history of Voronezh, from 1585 to the present. And he set to work. Moreover, Vadim Nikolayevich approached the task so seriously that among the sketches there were even those that, being approved by the Voronezh Confectionery Factory and the Art Council of Voronezh, did not pass the Art Council in Moscow due to their high artistic quality. The council recommended that the craftsman make something more serious from these sketches than candy labels. Interesting stories of creation and other works of Kosogorov for the Voronezh confectionery factory. Here, for example, is the history of the creation of labels for the Koltsov Songs. The artist was very fond of the poems of Alexei Koltsov, whose collection of works he illustrated. By that time, an order had been received from the Confectionery Factory to create candy labels that would become the hallmark of both the factory and Voronezh. And Vadim Nikolayevich proposed to name the new candy in honor of the poems of Alexei Koltsov, which over the century have become songs comparable in popularity to folk songs. Our pastry chefs liked the name. And after almost a week, Vadim Nikolaevich brought the first sketch sketches. The then management of the enterprise was impressed and, when the work was completed, asked Vadim Nikolaevich to come up with a symbol of the factory, as they used to say - a logo. And Kosogorov decided to give the factory his "autograph". This badge was the letter "B", inside which the letter "K" was inscribed. Now this sign is known to everyone who has ever tasted sweets or other sweets of the Voronezh Confectionery Factory. Another serious joint work of Vadim Nikolaevich with the factory is a series of candy labels "To the Stars". Few remember what the first of them looked like: they were in seven color options, each of which had a portrait of one of the first seven heroes-cosmonauts - from Yu.A. Gagarin to V.V. Tereshkova. A few years later, the newspaper Vechernyaya Moskva published a critical article about the portraits of cosmonauts on candy wrappers. The article said that people, having eaten candy, throw labels on the ground, and we walk and trample on portraits of famous heroes. After this article, the Voronezh art workshops received an urgent order for new labels of sweets "To the Stars". Kosogorov made several versions, one of which, bright and talented as always, was produced for several years. Today, all the labels produced by the factory together with Vadim Nikolaevich are very much loved by collectors and collectors and are highly valued by them. And Koltsov's Songs, one of the most recognizable branded sweets of the Voronezh Confectionery Factory, are still produced in wrappers and boxes drawn by Vadim Kosogorov. In 2001, the residents of Lipetsk applied to Voronezh Confectionery Factory OJSC for permission to use the Koltsov Songs trademark for ice cream. And in the same year, this ice cream received a Gold Medal in Sochi and became a laureate of the fifth international exhibition "Hospitable Rostov". In 2006, the Kosogorov drawings were used by the Voronezh Fruit Water Factory, releasing sparkling water "Koltsov's Songs" in a 1.5-liter bottle. For the Voronezh Regional Museum of Local Lore he created models of ships from the era of Peter I. Died on March 19, 1989 in the city of Voronezh.
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