The priestess Hathor Mutirdis.

Vasily Beregovoi • Painting, 2021, 75×60 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Historical scene, Literary scene
Style of art: Impressionism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 2021
Size: 75×60 cm
Region: Luts'k

Description of the artwork «The priestess Hathor Mutirdis.»

Canvas, oil, brush. The painting depicts the priestess Hathor Mutirdis based on my book "The Pyramid, or the Way to Ra Setau".
"The shadowy disk of the moon began to creep over the bright disk of Ra, gradually extending a twilight over the masa. When the total eclipse came, all turned to the priestess of the goddess Hathor, daughter of Ra. And she illuminated Hathor's dance, and they fell in worship before her." Beregovoy V.I. "Pyramid or the way to Ra-Setau".