Description of the artwork «In the year of the dragon. Where is the dragon's tomb? (continued)»
"...I have also recalculated Badawi and Trimble's data regarding Orion's Belt, taking into account Gantenbrink's measurements of the southern shaft of the King's chamber. According to his measurements, the angle of inclination is exactly 45 degrees, while Badawi and Trimble used Flinders Petrie's somewhat coarser measurements (44°30'). The new data allowed me to refine Badawi and Trimble's results. In doing so, I found that the mine was precisely aimed at Al-Nitak, the lower of the three stars in Orion's Belt, which crossed the meridian at 45° around 2475 BC. Up to this point the conclusions of Buvel do not contradict chronological calculations of orthodox Egyptologists, who usually dated the erection of the Great Pyramid 2520 BC. That is, it turns out that Buvel's data even point to a slightly later construction than is commonly believed," - here he paused to insert his commentary: "or to the catastrophic shift of the axis of rotation from the constellation of the Dragon to the constellation of the Little Bear," - and continued reading: "As the reader already knows, Buvel has made another discovery, capable of disturbing much more. It, too, has to do with the stars of Orion's Belt: They are tilted southwestward on the axis of the Milky Way, while the pyramids are also tilted southwestward on the axis of the Nile. If you look closely on a clear night, you can see that the smallest of the three stars, the one at the top, which the Arabs call Mintaka, is slightly offset to the east of the straight line on which the other two stars lie. This pattern is reproduced on Earth, where the pyramid of Menkaure is similarly offset east of the straight line formed by the pyramid of Khafra (the analog of the middle star, Al-Nilam) and the Great Pyramid, which represents the star Al-Nitak. It is obvious that the three monuments are placed on a single plan, which with high accuracy modeling the location of these three stars ... Thus in Giza depicted on Earth Belt of Orion. And then there's more. Using the complex computer program capable to define caused by precession changes in inclination of all visible stars in any part of the world in any epoch, Buvel has established that position of pyramids approximates reproduces position of stars of the Belt of Orion always, but precisely corresponds to it only in one case: In 10450 BC. - and only! - the position of the pyramids on the Earth exactly reflects the position of the stars in the sky. I mean perfect correspondence, unmistakable, and it cannot be accidental, since the whole complex correctly displays two rather unusual celestial phenomena that occurred only at this time. First, absolutely by chance, the Milky Way, as seen at Giza in 10450 B.C., exactly reproduced the meridional direction of the Nile valley; secondly, to the west of the Milky Way the three stars of Orion's Belt were at their minimum altitude according to the cycle of precession, with Al-Nitak, corresponding to the Great Pyramid, crossing the meridian at an angle of 11°08'. The reader is already familiar with how precession of the Earth's axis makes the sunrise on day of vernal equinox migrate on zodiacal circle with period about 26 thousand years. The same thing happens with the inclination, of all visible stars, causing, in the case of the constellation of Orion, a gradual but noticeable change in altitude. Thus, from the highest point of the meridian passage (58° 11 above the southern horizon at Giza) in 13 thousand years Al-Nitak descends to the lowest point last recorded in 10450 BC, which is immortalized in stone on the Giza plateau - that is, 11°08'. Over the next 13,000 years, the Belt stars will slowly rise again until Al-Nitak returns to 58°11'; in the next 13,000 years, they will descend again to 11°08', and so on. This cycle is eternal: 13 thousand years up, 13 thousand years down, up and down, up and down, and so on forever. At Giza, we see the exact configuration of 10450 BC. - as if some architect came here in that era and decided to make a huge map of the Earth using natural and man-made objects. On this map, the Nile valley directed along the meridian depicts the Milky Way in its then direction. The three pyramids represent the three stars - exactly as they looked then. And he placed the three pyramids relative to the Nile valley the way the three stars are placed relative to the Milky Way. It turned out to be a very clever, very ambitious and very precise way of marking an epoch - if you want to freeze a specific date in architecture...", - an interesting conclusion on the activity of dragon officials before the catastrophe, he made a remark, continuing to read: "FROM "THE MIRROR OF THE HEIGHTS" The builders of Angkor worked according to some single project that came from outside, which for some reason they had to realize within a certain period of time. The existence of a similar project at Giza in 2500 BC could also explain the mystery of the sudden appearance of the great Egyptian pyramids and related smaller structures at Saqqara (this is the same pyramid of Djoser built by Imhotep, information about which is in the book Sensei IV) with the Pyramid Texts. These tremendous cultural achievements of Dynasties IV, V, and VI had no precedent or subsequent counterparts. And just like the pyramids, temples, bas-reliefs and inscriptions at Angkor, they were completed over a period of about 420 years (from 2575 to 2152 BC). Jayavarman II may have brought this design with him when he arrived in Cambodia "from across the seas" in 800 AD. Or he may have received it from a learned brahmin "skilled in magic" who initiated him as a god-king in 802. We can only speculate. His forty years of "circling" around the site, like the behavior of subsequent monarchs, is consistent with the implementation of the project. In general, it seems that each of the Khmer rulers made a contribution corresponding to his own capabilities: some of them limited themselves to a single temple built in one place or another, while others - especially Suryavarman II and Jayavarman VII - erected a series of large monuments in a relatively short period of time. Moreover, few of these monarchs were able to enjoy peace: most had to defend their borders against invasion by hostile barbarian hordes and at the same time continue to erect 72 major structures in the Mekong floodplain in accordance with the prescription, which allowed Cambodia to be rightly called the land "Like the Sky". The number 72 is found in Angkor and in another form, I will not dwell on it in detail, my task is to cite passages linking Angkor with the sky and Egypt. The beginning of the construction of Angkor is clearly associated with the appearance of the Hidden Man, who apparently gave Jayavarman II or one of his close associates, perhaps a Brahmin, the very "Star Map", which is mentioned in the book "Sensei IV. The Primordial Shambhala" and on which Imhotep built. The excerpt was given in the topic "Human Energy Construction. A truncated pyramid with a top", I will not duplicate it. Life and works of Jayavarman VII deserve special study. During the 38 years of his reign, he purposefully and energetically built not only a huge wall enclosing Angkor Thom, but also the temples of Ta-Prom, Banteay-Kidei, Neak-Pean, Ta-Som, Sra-Srang, the so-called Elephant Terrace and the Terrace of the Leper King (both on the territory of Angkor Thom), Krol-Kro, Pra-Palilai, Prasat-Suor-Prat, Pra-Khan and, last but not least, Bayon. One can understand scholars who declare Jayavarman to be a megalomaniac and the motivation behind his gargantuan building program to be the sweet call of a hypertrophied ego: "inexhaustible willpower in the service of mania", as one critic puts it. Yet among his constructions are so many that correspond to the major stars of the constellation of the Dragon that it could hardly be explained by mere chance. Moreover, several objects are earthly reflections of notable stars from the neighboring constellation of the Little Bear - and in the position they occupied at dawn on the day of the vernal equinox in 10,500 BC." - or before the catastrophe, the aftermath of which is evidenced by the gigantic "backfill" of Angkor, and which forced the people to leave it, he remarked, and went on to read: "The complex of structures erected by Jayavarman VII and representing heaven on earth includes Angkor-Thom, Ta-Prom (1186.), Banteay-Kidei (believed to be the earliest of his temples), Neak-Pean, Ta-Som, Sra-Srang, Pra-Khan (1191) and most recently, the striking and imposing Bayon, completed in 1219 just before his death. Modern historians who explain this feverish building program as megalomania call it "a building orgy with a brief but intense period of titanic, almost frenzied architectural activity." Though in the inscriptions we have quoted in the previous chapters, Jayavarman does not appear to be a self-centered lunatic at all. On the contrary, he makes it clear that his temples were part of a grand plan to extract the 'ambrosia of immortality' for 'all those struggling in the ocean of existence'. It is also known that he considered the monuments of Angkor to be an effective tool in this quest, due to their special qualities as "mandalas of the mind." It is easy to see how the behavior and cosmic functions of Orion and the Dragon resonate from the point of view of the ancients. This, by the way, is confirmed by scientific observations, which state their connection through the great cosmic swings of the precessional cycle, which swing up and down like the pendulum of Time. A computer simulation spanning thousands of years shows us how, as Orion rises in the southern meridian, Dragon steadily descends in the northern meridian. When the Dragon reaches the extreme lower position, Orion reaches the extreme upper position. Then the second half of the cycle begins as the Dragon rises and Orion descends. The "up" movement lasts just under 13,000 years, the same length of time the "down" movement lasts. And so it goes on - up and down, 13,000 years there, 13,000 years back, according to its own eternal purposes and laws. It is particularly intriguing that the celestial-terrestrial layouts of Angkor and Giza recorded the highest point of the Dragon's trajectory and the lowest point of Orion's trajectory, in other words, the end of one half of the precession cycle and the beginning of the other. This was observed, as we know, about 10,500 B.C.; at that epoch the north pole of the ecliptic was exactly north of the celestial north pole at dawn on the day of the vernal equinox, and the then arrangement of the stars was taken as a model for placing the monuments of Angkor and Giza on the Earth. That golden age is long gone. Since then, the stirrer of precession has managed to rotate the celestial pole by half a circle relative to the pole of the ecliptic. The Orion-Dragon pendulum has swung almost to the extreme in the opposite direction, and today Dragon is near its lowest point and Orion is near its highest point. In other words, as in 10,500 B.C., standing at the gates of immortality, the clock of celestial time is ready to start counting down. Anyone who is familiar with the hermetic formula "at the bottom as at the top" should take this situation as a sign that great changes are coming; whether they will be for the better or for the worse depends largely on humanity's own choices and behavior. Good words from the author in the last paragraph, aren't they? Intuition is a good thing. In CONCLUSION It is possible to summarize a little under all above written: In Egypt on a plateau of Giza the star map of a site of the sky with constellation Orion is designated; On 72 degrees to the east there are temples of Angkor which also display a site of the sky of constellation Dragon (snake); Orion in the south rises, and Dragon in the north lowers. The cycle is about 13,000 years. Then Orion descends, the Dragon ascends. This cycle is eternal and this cycle was known thousands of years ago; Scientists have found that during this cycle the 3 stars of Orion's "belt" are always sliding along the meridian: then they are located at the top, gaining height above the horizon, then at the bottom - losing height above the horizon at the moment when they pass the meridian. In this cycle, the lowest point corresponds to 10,500 BC, but the highest point can be observed after 2000 AD; the Sphinx also points to 10,450 BC (Edgar Casey claimed that the Sphinx was built between 10,490 and 10,390 BC); (!!!) The structures on the Giza Plateau and in Angkor point to the same date, or the interval 10500-10450 BC. What is this date, why was it so eager to be marked? It is possible that approximately every 13 thousand years on the earth there are some changes, global scale, cataclysms, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions. They are somehow connected with the Orion-Dragon pendulum. Accordingly to us have designated a zero point, time of the last cataclysm, have specified a cycle having constructed constructions in Egypt and Cambodia that we, having looked in the sky, have defined a zero point and, knowing a cycle, could assume, when we should wait for the next such global changes. You can rewrite the history of mankind even a hundred, even two hundred times, but the stars in the sky are not under the control of the Archons, their hands are short; (!!!) There is 0, there is a time period, there is an instruction with the help of which you can avoid a global catastrophe ... what else do you need!? Here is another excerpt from the book "Sensei. The Primordial Shambhala" - Well, how, if humanity as a whole was evaluated as a spiritually progressive community, it was preserved. And if it is dominated more from the beast, that is, material essence, then the same history of "global cataclysms" that happened to some other previous civilizations is repeated. And for the "breeding" of matter for the souls of the next civilization was left no more than 1/10th of the total number of people... Mankind chooses its own way, and the actions of Shambhala are only the consequences of this choice. (book "Sensei. Shambhala's Primordial")" - about the latter he made another remark - and always artists survived to start from scratch.
Continuation follows. Beregovoy V.I. "In the Year of the Dragon. Where is the Tomb of the Dragon?"