Description of the artwork «The Nagas and Official Dragons of the Dragon Constellation Civilization in the Renaissance (continued).» Usa no miya engi tells how the empress received two jewels from the Dragon Palace: kan-ju and man-ju, the above-mentioned pearls of ebb and flow, and that this book describes them as five suns in length, the first white and the second blue" - apparently used to predict tsunamis that would occur following the shift in the starry sky, he speculated. And how they buried the dragon official in the IV century BC in the South Ural steppes says Filippov barrow 7 meters high with a diameter of 100 meters. Not far from the stepped entrance to the tomb stood a massive cast bronze cauldron with two rounded handles on the sides and two square handles above the ribbed edge circle. It was just over a meter in diameter. Information on the weight of the boiler is 500 kilograms. Standing out volumetric lines on the dark gray cauldron depicts a pyramidal pattern. Equal-sided triangles of the pattern go around the circumference of the entire boiler height from the ribbed edge of the corolla - the outer rim, to the beginning of the bottom rounding. Apparently, the cauldron filled with water served the dragon official as a round large mirror surface. The cauldron had the appearance of a bowl with a rounded bottom and tray. "Square handles", in the interpretation of archaeologists "heads of griffins touching beaks", in the patterns of the horned dragon on opposite sides from the center carried round spherical inserts with two black balls in opposite places and two malachite-colored balls at them making triangles with them, in appearance having a resemblance to the Dragon epsilon and stars not included in the constellation of the Dragon, but arranged in the same way. Apparently, the reflections from these orbs were projected onto the water mirror surface in the "cauldron". Archaeologists in "numerous sacrificial memorial complexes" were dug up skeletons of horses and the remains of iron and bronze parts of horse harness, which, in his opinion, speaks of how many times this official-dragon caused rain, saving life from drought in the South Ural steppes. These animals - horses, were gifts to her, and therefore a continuation of her infinite subjective world, so after their death, buried together with officials-dragons, and not killed, as archaeologists assume. In the excavated burial mound, the remains of a dragon official rested under a bed of logs filled with dense layers of soil on a multi-layered bedding of bark, reeds and grass. A round mirror with a handle was the third in a row of things that continued the infinite subjective world of the dragon official, on her left hand, who had died at the age of about 35. A round silver mirror lay opposite her left hand in a bark case. The gilded handle of the mirror at the circle mount had patterns of swirling waves lying on its side, and beneath them a flat figure of a one-horned dragon with a neck and head identical to the neck and head on the "Composition of marks in the form of a "coat of arms". Handwriting impression print. Approx. 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm . State Museum, Bhopal", with four paws under the torso. Beneath the one-horned dragon, an openwork design with voids in the form of seven rhombuses and three holes forming a cross with the rhombuses, and flanked by hollow formations in the form of arcs. At the end of the handle is embedded in a rectangle flat figure of a horse, with a front leg with a hoof thrown upward, with a hind leg with a hoof thrown upward, with a tail raised upward with a loop, with a head thrown to the croup. Above the horse's head are two balls each with a holey hollow break between them. The back of the silver mirror consists of three concentric circles. In the central circle there is a gold bas-relief of an eagle spreading its wings and paws apart, in the second circle there are gold bas-reliefs of 6 one-horned winged dragons following each other, and in the third circle there are alternating gold bas-reliefs of 8 blossoming flowers and 8 unblossoming flowers. Rare, perhaps Ural flowers. Perhaps one of the orchid species. Why orchids? "Orchids, or Jatryshnikov, also Orchidaceae (Latin: Orchidáceae) is the largest family of monocotyledonous plants. More than 10% of the family is characterized by CAM-photosynthesis. Orchids are an ancient family that appeared in the Late Cretaceous era. Nowadays orchids are found on all continents except Antarctica. Most species are concentrated in tropical latitudes. Here, in areas with a short dry season and high precipitation, they find the most favorable conditions for their growth. The peculiarity of orchid flora on different continents is a characteristic feature of their distribution. Orchids of temperate latitudes are perennial terrestrial herbs with underground rhizomes or tubers, while in the tropics epiphytic orchids are most widely represented. In the temperate belt, the orchid flora is much poorer than in tropical latitudes. Only 75 genera (10% of the total) and 900 species (4.5%) are found in the temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Even fewer - 40 genera and 500 species - are found in the southern temperate zone. We have 419 species belonging to 49 genera". Thus, the orchid on the silver mirror, is depicted, first because it is distributed on all the inhabited continents. "Of the life forms, perennial herbs dominate, with small shrubs and large woody lianas being less common. Along with autotrophic forms, saprophytic forms are often found. Among tropical species in greenhouse growing conditions, "long-livers" of 70 or more years are often observed. Orchid sizes range from a few millimeters to 35 meters (Vanilla planifolia). Epiphytes, lithophytes and terrestrial orchids are distinguished by the nature of their growing substrate. Most orchids are epiphytes. Lithophytes and terrestrial life forms make up a much smaller group. They are predominantly distributed in temperate latitudes. All orchids enter into symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi, which supply the plant with water and mineral salts, receiving organic matter in return. There are also mycotrophic orchids that lack chlorophyll and actually parasitize the symbiont fungus (e.g., the nesting orchid, as well as the Australian orchid Cryptanthemis, which blooms underground)." Secondly, orchids bloom even underground, it is a kind of "Stone Flower" for underground cities built by the Dragon constellation civilization. "Epiphytic orchids, as a rule, develop numerous aerial roots, devoid of hairs, but equipped with specialized suction tissue - velamen. In some epiphytic orchids the leaves are reduced and the function of photosynthesis is taken over by flattened green roots (Phalaenopsis). The orchid collection of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, contains 24 specimens of orchids preserved since the early 20th century (their age is about 100 years); the age of plants of 130 species exceeds 50 years, and the age of plants of 500 species exceeds at least 20 years". Third orchids were chosen for their long-lasting blooms. "Orchids are known primarily as beautifully flowering ornamental plants and are favorite greenhouse plants. Particularly popular are species of the genera Cattleya, Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis. The fruits of the Vanilla planifolia are used as a valuable spice ("vanilla sticks"). The fleshy tuberous roots of a number of orchids (e.g., Dactylorhiza maculata, Platanthera bifolia, Gymnadenia conopsea, Anacamptis pyramidalis and others) contain starch and are used in medicine under the name Tuber Salep (or Salep) (Lat. Tuber Salep) as an enveloping agent and for nourishment of weakened patients". Fourth on the mirror of the Dragon constellation civilization, this species of orchid was chosen not only for its beauty, but perhaps for some medicinal properties. "Depending on the morphological features of the tuberous roots, a distinction is made between round salep and palmate salep. Flowering of orchids of different species lasts from 2-3 weeks to several months, many hybrids bloom twice a year, and in some cases, with proper care, some of them are able to bloom almost continuously." And fifth, the continuous blooming of the orchid directs the thought toward the floral clock. Since perhaps the mirror depicts an orchid flower, perhaps there is some sort of flower clock here. And that means officials-dragons in their activity used and flower clocks, determining the time and the relationship with the constellation of the Dragon on blossoming, in this case - one of the species of orchid. So everything about dragon officials is on: "Cosmvs medices DVX.II.Florentiae." - the Medici coat of arms. So the Medici were looking for guys who were exploring the desolations of ancient Rome, until a dragon official guided them to the path of the Renaissance. 19.02.2024 г.