"Ateh princess" based on the novel-lexicon "Khazar dictionary" by Milorad Pavich

Olga Gaitman • Painting, January 2020, 70×60 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Landscape, Portrait, Fantasy, Allegorical scene
Style of art: Impressionism
Technique: Acrylic
Materials: Canvas, Cardboard, Acrylic
Date of creation: January 2020
Size: 70×60 cm

Description of the artwork «"Ateh princess" based on the novel-lexicon "Khazar dictionary" by Milorad Pavich»

Intentio tua grata et accepta est creatori, sed opera that non aunt accepta... (from Latin - the Creator cares about your intentions, but not your deeds!) "Khazar dictionary" Milorad Pavich

The work is based on the novel-lexicon of the 20th century Serbian writer Milorad Pavic. The painting depicts the fictional Khazar princess Ateh, the patroness of the people who disappeared from the face of the earth, the founder of the Khazar religious community "dream catchers". The Balkans, the waters of the Danube, the extinguished kosts in the Carpathian mountains, wars of religion, ethnic group, exotic birds and fish from dreams all intertwine in the novel and are reflected in the work presented.