Elena Sergeevna Troshina. Born in Nizhny Tagil, in 2016 she graduated from Nizhny Tagil Social Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Art Education. She studied in the workshops of Vladimir Grigorievich Martynenko, Igor Vladimirovich Grishchenko (he was her supervisor in the performance of the graduate qualification work), took advanced training courses with Zhanna Rafikovna Ovchinnikova. Currently works as a teacher at Novoasbestovsky Children's School of Arts. She is a member of the International Union of Pedagogical Artists.
Her passion for drawing was manifested in her childhood. According to her parents' recollections, at the age of three Elena used to draw on the walls of the apartment and spent her entire childhood with pencils and paints instead of active childhood games.
In the works Elena likes to represent beauty of flowers, with interest observes a life of birds and animals, then transfers the received impressions on a canvas and a paper.