About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Sculpture
Subject and objects: Fantasy
Style of art: Surrealism
Date of creation: August 2021

Description of the artwork «"White panel."»

When you look at the "White panel" you get the impression that it is carved out of stone. And these stone roses do not press, on the contrary, they enchant and entice. One wants to touch them.
This panel is eternal, you can sometimes rinse it with water and do not fear for the appearance, silk matte varnish will perfectly maintain its white tone.
Interestingly, the "White panel" can be painted in a different colour to suit your mood at any time. In this way, you will be able to unleash your creativity.
"A white panel can decorate your home, or it can be a beautiful expensive gift. No matter where you are, you just have to want it and you will have it.
But, for another value of this item lies in the fact that in the heart of these flowers is hidden Rune Sript, which will "faithfully work for its master."

Scandinavian Runes will change you and your life, the result is always amazing. The panel can be delivered anywhere in the world.
