Graphic artist. Painter. Teacher.
Born in Leningrad in 1955. Graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Art SSPI in 1977. Diploma - Painting Triptych "My City", the head - YI Preobrazhensky. Since 1976 participated in exhibitions. 1980-1981 visits to the House of Arts "Academic Dacha", "Old Ladoga". 1983-1994 teacher of children's fine arts studios in Smolensk. 1991-1994 a series of landscapes of the Crimea. Illustrated books in the publishing house "Association XXI": V. Korzhikov "Solnyshkin's Merry Voyage", "Solnyshkin Sails to Antarctica", Ray Bradbury "Dandelion Wine", R. Lisson "Third Class Genie", a collection of fairy tales Magic Mirror. Works are purchased by individuals from Russia, Poland, Germany, Israel, England, France, Portugal, USA, etc. Since 2015 retired.